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Anna Hunt

I find this one hard to watch, as good as it is. Even though he becomes such an awful person, his childhood is still kinda heartbreaking. As far as accuracy goes, it is really hard to tell. Versace's family has flatly denied most things in the show, but to me the way they do it seems like it's more to preserve face. Cunanan's dad isn't a reliable source. His mom has made allegations of abuse, like we see in this episode, but she wouldn't know the whole story. Things like the sexual abuse allegations about Cunanan's dad is only speculation because there is record of someone by the name of Andrew DeSilva calling into a survivor's hotline. So they really are piecing everything together and it's hard to tell what's real or not. His dad is an awful person though. From the way he treated his other kids, to the abuse towards his wife, and the gaslighting, you can see how Andrew could turn out the way he did. One episode left!


Very interesting thank you for letting me know! The way his dad treated everyone was vile but I could see it coming a mile off, the actor done an amazing job at subtly showing his anger in certain scenes which I absolutely loved. Tragic how he turned out just like his dad and went on to do the disgusting things we've seen him do throughout the past 7 episodes. I didn't realise there was only one episode left, I thought there were 2! Looking forward to the finale, thank you for the comment!


Here’s the link for this episode about what was accurate and what wasn’t. https://www.vulture.com/2018/03/acs-versace-fact-check-episode-8.html The information about Andrew’s life comes a lot from records from friends and family. With this show, mostly what is accurate are the actual events. Some things are assumed like Andrew being molested by his dad but for the most part, the events are accurate, but obviously emotions and actual quotes and conversations, we’ll never know. Also throwback to a previous episode where David tells Andrew to stop putting on a show and let him get to know him. Andrew starts talking about his family and how his mother brought him lobster to school, his dad gave him a car and the master bedroom. David thinks he’s lying because that all sounds so crazy but it was actually true.