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Just a heads-up in case no one told you. The actor who plays Dumbledore has changed in the third movie. Richard Harris, who played him in the first two movie, passed away.


only cuase it was adressed here kind of... mr Filch the housekeeper, is a so calles squib. that means he is a muggle but born i n a wizzard family, its kind of the opposite of a muggleborn. the letter he dropped and gets back from harry at the beginning of the film is an order form for a "magical kit" to not be a squib anymore... its just a scam liek most of the products in shoping TV. but so harry and ron find out about that. that also explains a bit of his angry attitute the whole time.... think of u are the one who has to keep this whole Castle clean and u are the only one who can't do magic. sooo i would be pissed also i think. XD