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btw in the opening you said you've seen 'a new version of the six' that's the Six that was in the first ep that snapped the babies neck and was with Gaius, so she's the first Six you ever met (except the one who went to the station and kissed the colonial guy in the opening shot)


I thought that was a new six entirely wtf, she seems so different compared to when we first saw her!

Ryan Roach

It might be helpful for you to think of the Six Gaius knew on Caprica as "Caprica Six". That's what they've named her. And the one who only Gaius sees was referred to back in the day as "Chip Six", because she originally told Gaius that he might be seeing her as a result of a chip in his head. (That may or may not be true, but that's the current theory at this point in the story). And now we know Caprica Six has a "Chip Gaius".


The fandom standard is to call them 'Head Six' and 'Head Gaius' so that's what I go with :) Also remember Gaius had a brain scan and it was revealed there was no chip, so he thought he was going crazy, then he found out about the baby going to be born in the cell and realized she must be something more than a psychotic hallucination.