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Ryan Roach

Kim is freaked out by how casual Jimmy is about Chuck and she's looking for someone to blame, and poor Howard gets it with both barrels. Of course, we see from Jimmy's crazy behavior in the job interview and his plan for petty theft that he is not at all casual about Chuck and is acting out in strange, self-destructive ways.

Shadoe Price

I honestly think that the scene with Gus at the end rivals Box Cutter. Obviously it doesn't have the amazing build up that Box Cutter has but the editing of the kill and the lighting they use on Giancarlo Esposito is amazing. Also love the little touch that it's Victor who is helping Gus tie him up. 'Breathe' is just such a phenomenal episode. Usually my favorite episodes from each season are from the back half, but this is the one exception. This is probably my second or third favorite from season four, which is saying something because I adore the last half of this season.