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oof....The episode that made me kinda dislike blaine

SuBin Kim

Im neither on Rachel or Finn's side. I get why Rachel is angry as she has every right to feel that way, but I also get why Finn did what he did. For as long as we have known Finn he has been lost and for him he sees his future as this empty and dark space. I understand him because I have been where he is and still am in that place at the age of 23. And Finn probably saw his actions as beneficial to Rachel because he saw himself as this anchor in Rachel's life. In my opinion he did what he thought was best for her and probably what was best for him. I mean can you imagine Finn sulking and being sad about his life while Rachel is going to this amazing school and talking about her future. As someone who has been in Finn's shoes I know how depressing it can be watching as your peers and friends be all excited about their life/future and you try to be excited for them, but its tough. It could have been hard for Rachel as well if Finn had followed her. Finn just needs to find who he is without Rachel. Finding your passion and knowing your future isn't as easy for some of us as others. My brother knew what he wanted to do since he was in middle school and was able to make a 10, 20 yr plan. While I am living every single day wondering where my place in the world is. So I fully understand both sides. I just relate to Finn more.