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I love the ironing scene. I have seen some different theories on what it means or stands for but for me I think it highlights or hints at her sense of control. It's been hinted that Mia and Kiki share some disordered thinking when it comes to food. One of the most common motives of food related disorders has to do with sense of control. It's strongly hinted that Mia has worked through something like this in the past. So, to me this is a reflection of that coming out. Instead of with food she is controlling her environment, drowning out everything with the music and pressing her clothes and sheets. It's not that just because you iron something you have control issues, but the combination of the music and her almost trance like focus plus the socks. I mean I don't own an iron but I don't think many people press their socks. It definitely stands out to me and connects with the sense of control she is taking in that moment. I've seen some theories related to OCD too which makes sense as well but for me I think it is about control.


wow who would think i have so much to say about such a small snippet of screen time lol but i really love that scene so much. i love mia <3