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Hey guys, just gotta let a few things be known here. So a few days ago a once really close friend of mine going by TheTrophyMuncher has been exposed for engaging in sexual conversations with a minor and other females barely of age, as you all know I was really close with this guy and would stream with him a lot and talk to him on a daily basis. I was going to get videos out the past few days but honestly reading all the posts that have come out about him I just feel on a real downer and feel quite sick to be honest, I thought you should all know because a lot of you here may watch and support him and may be in the dark about all of this so I feel like it needs to be addressed and brought to everyone's attention. Most other reactors have commented on this via Twitter but I just wanted to make sure everyone here is aware. I'll get a good few videos up tomorrow and really apologise for this but I honestly don't want to force reactions when I'm not feeling up to it and I'm sure you guys don't want that either. All evidence is linked below this. https://twitter.com/dimi10280/status/1299869661178331137



Morgan I’m so sorry, take the time you need. We love you ❤️


Thank you so much Morgan for helping us spread the word.


That's absolutely disgusting, I've unsubscribed. Thank you for spreading the word. Take as much time as you need, we can wait

Natalie Doran

Thank you for sharing and bringing awareness!


Nice job speaking out gotta make sure the young-un discord members are safe from sleazy fucks like this. Must be hard realising someone you like is like this, but don't feel bad for not seeing it, online it is only those exposed to it that are targetted that see the true colours of people like that. Hope you feel better soon. And good job Diya for collecting all the screenshots

Nikki Batley

Woh! That's heavy. Hope you're okay mate. Finding that out about a so-called friend must be quite a blow. You take your time to get your head back together. You've got my support here if you need it.


Morgan, I can’t imagine how you must be feeling right now. I know how hard this must be. He was a close friend to you and you have to wrap your head around the fact that he had this other side to him. I’m sorry you lost the person you thought you knew, but I’m happy that all of this has come to light. He deserves to be exposed and his channel taken down on all platforms. I feel so bad for the girls who came forward and wish them nothing but support and love during this difficult time. Thank you so much for being amazing during this time and actively speaking out. I know it must not be easy since he was a friend. Please take care of yourself and get some sleep. ALSO IF EVERYONE HERE COULD REPORT HIS PATREON, YOUTUBE AND TWITCH CHANNELS. If you need help with it please join discord, where there are screenrecords. Please site the link above with the evidence as reason why. We need to make sure he isn’t ever able to hurt women and minors again. Morgan, I love you so much and I appreciate you ❤️❤️❤️ Your glee reactions bring me such joy and I’m so happy you started doing the show.


Thank you Morgan


Wow, that is absolutely disgusting. I didnt even know. Time to unsubscribe and cancel my patreon subscription to him 🤬🤬🤬 so sorry Morgan. I know you liked him 🥺☹


Morgan, thank you so much for speaking out against him and spreading awareness, you have been nothing but amazing through out all of this, love you <3 <3


Morgan thank you so much for posting this and spreading awareness. It is greatly appreciated ❤️


You’re a legend Morgan ❤️❤️❤️


Hope you're doing alright Morgan, I know this can't be easy for you either. I appreciate that you're speaking up about this, you're an awesome guy. ❤️


You have got to be fucking joking with me. Thanks for letting us know. Been subscribed for years and only recently unsubscribed due to other issues, mainly his increasingly negative attitude. Didn't expect this though.


Hope you're ok, Morgan. Take your time and take care ❤️

Karen Davidson

I was totally in the dark. I seen the tweets and he done a statement but this...that was your friend. I watched your guys gaming streams a lot. He done reacting full time didn’t he? Careers ruined. I don’t know what to say to be honest 😔

Sinzweek Yaez

Take your time mate! Don't rush back in