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Ugh when they pull up to the bar and I remember what's going to happen..🥺😑😩

Lena S

Thank you for your reaction :) I think Druck does a great job with the characters and their delevopment. They are really likeable and I actually like some characters as much or even more than the OG. I also like Hanna for example more than Eva maybe cause I can relay to her a bit more. I think it's good how they handled the storyline with Jonas. It's kind of the same but different and what would be worse than smoking weed, smoking and selling it. It makes sense that he didn't want to tell Hanna tho lying made it worse here especially cause Hanna is that insecure :/ I actually enjoyed Druck the first episodes but episode 9 was where it became my fav and it stayed like this. It's great to watch it again now and hear your thoughts on it :)