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I think Boomer has reason to suspect there's something going on with her but is scared of the prospect and so is in denial about it. She has memories of her childhood on Troy, its a hard thing to accept that that is not real, and so has had every reason to doubt any weird stuff going on until this episode where it's finally been revealed to the fleet that there are human form Cylons. Remember in the water episode, she couldn't see the H2O positive message, the 'human' side of her just couldn't see it, I'm sure it was the same with the hatch. In fact its very possible Boomer activated, shot the guard and opened the weapons locker for the Cylon, before going through the hatch leaving it open, and has no memory of doing any of that. We don't really know, but yeah I don't think Boomer believed she left the hatch open in that last scene but is maybe scared of the possibility considering all the weird goings on with the water explosions and the bomb in her Raptor.