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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Haven! You're right that this episode is definitely a strong start for season three. This episode is entertaining and intriguing. I love all of the mystery behind the Colorado Kid and Audrey's abduction. However, this episode is also probably one of my least favorite episodes of the entire series because of the whole alien storyline mixed into the big mystery. I've never liked shows and movies about aliens all that much. There are a few exceptions, but not many. I think... for the creators and writers of this show to have written an alien centered episode into Haven that ties into the "troubles", they did a good job, because it makes sense. I appreciate that everything involving the alien storyline occurred because it was all in this man's mind and his "trouble" brought out his fears of aliens and therefore made them real. I appreciate that. I just found the overall alien storyline to be one of this show's weakest storylines so far. As for your confusion about believing Duke to have been the Colorado Kid all this time... Duke definitely isn't the Colorado Kid. If you think back to the newspaper picture showing Audrey... or Lucy rather, from twenty-seven years earlier that intrigued Audrey to stay in Haven in order to discover the truth behind the Colorado Kid's death and who she really is... people are looking on at what we have been led to believe is where the Colorado Kid was mysteriously killed. Yet as you do remember correctly... no one remembers that day. No one remembers anything that happened. They only remember that the Colorado Kid was killed. As for Duke... if you look again at the picture, you see Lucy holding a boy's hand. A boy that is standing beside her, who had been a witness to the circumstances surrounding the Colorado Kid's death. That boy is Duke and that is the boy Audrey was referring to as "the boy" you thought was the Colorado Kid. When Duke saw the picture, he recognized himself in the picture. I hope this explanation helps. As for Nathan's and Duke's rivalry throughout this episode... Again, I can understand why Nathan is so angry with Duke, especially because Nathan recognized the look in Duke's eyes when he was considering killing the "troubled" victim within this episode. Now that Nathan knows about Duke's own "trouble" and destiny, and that Dukes father, grandfather, etc... had all given into their destiny, Nathan is afraid that Duke will give in too. Which means that if he were to, then Audrey's life was at stake since she fights to protect all those who are "troubled". So I absolutely understand why Nathan is so cold towards Duke. And as for the tattoo on Nathan's arm... Nathan said in this episode that he got it put on his own arm in order to ensure that he could be the one to kill Duke if Duke ever attempted to hurt Audrey, since he knows it's been prophesied that Duke is going to die at the hands of someone with the same tattoo on his arm. This tattoo didn't mysteriously appear like we saw the tattoos do on Julia Carr's body back in season one. And as far as we know, Dwight and Vince both got their tattoos for their own reasons as well. Again... I hope this explanation helps. Now... I also believe that Duke is different from his father and the others within his bloodline, given that he has come to care about Audrey, as well as Nathan. Simon Crocker doesn't strike me as someone who was friends with Lucy before, back when he tried to kill her. So there's a difference between Duke and Simon right there. I love how Nathan fights so hard to find Audrey, and how protective he is of her. And I also love how Audrey spoke to the other abducted woman about Nathan, wishing that he was there with her and that she was more like him in that time. It shows how much she truly cares about him. Overall... I enjoy this episode. Especially for more mystery revealed about the Colorado Kid and his body's disappearance. And I also enjoyed the mystery behind Audrey's abduction. There's definitely lots more to come! :) Thank once again! Until your next Haven reactions...