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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so, so much for your reaction for the second part of season two's finale!!! Like you... I absolutely love this episode and definitely consider it to be one of my favorite episodes from this season as well. There's so much I love about this episode. However, my favorite moments are between Nathan and Audrey. Like you... I absolutely love the awkwardness between them now that they've come together and are just starting out their barely established relationship with one another. They're both so adorable, and so sweet. I especially love it when Nathan first asks her out, and how nervous Audrey is to answer him, and yet you can see in her eyes that she definitely wants to be with Nathan, as she cares about him very deeply like he cares for her. Although... it is revealed that Nathan has already come to love Audrey, in the moment Nathan comes face to face again with his father when Garland appears in the graveyard like a number of other ghosts that have risen up all over town with dangerous agendas, which I will come back to momentarily... Another of my favorite moments within this episode is between Nathan and his father. It's quite a special moment for Nathan because Nathan finally has the chance to tell him the things he couldn't before Garland died. A chance to say goodbye. Unfortunately, Garland makes doing so for Nathan very difficult, when he criticizes his son for falling in love with Audrey, because she's far too important to allow herself to get distracted. Far too important to helping the "troubled". And you can see how much his father's words pain Nathan. Not just because he's already fallen in love with Audrey and is now told they can't be together, but because he feels that the only reason for Garland to come to see him is to warn him not to love her and not to be his father. I feel so bad for Nathan, and while I love that Garland comes back, he makes me so mad for how he treats Nathan. However, in the end... I absolutely love how Garland looks between Nathan and Simon Crocker, and declares that he has a son too... "a damn good one" after Simon warns everyone that his son will end the "troubles" once and for all. Finally, Garland proves to Nathan that he does love him. Now... I also really love Duke's storyline throughout this episode as well. Although, while he eventually comes to make the right decision when he refuses to do Reverend Driscoll's bidding, Duke also scares me because we see just how tormented he is upon learning of his own "trouble" and fate that is expected of him. He chooses not to kill these innocent people and doesn't mean to kill the gravedigger, who forces Duke's hand when he uses Duke to stab himself. However, this doesn't mean he will continue to refuse. You can see the uncertainty in Duke's eyes, and Nathan most definitely sees it too, as he stares darkly at Duke upon seeing his eyes turn white the moment the "troubled" man's blood touches his skin. And it's most certainly understandable that Nathan would doubt that Duke will continue to make the right decision, especially upon learning the rest of his reasoning for being unable to trust Duke all these years in another of my favorite moments throughout this episode. I love it when Nathan shares with Audrey how his "trouble" came back out, when he and Duke had gotten into a fight because Duke had betrayed him and used him after pretending to be his friend, getting Nathan to put their already sordid past behind him and to forgive him for Duke's previous offenses against him, until Nathan discovers everything Duke did to get him to do so, was all a lie so he could use Nathan for his badge in his smuggling deals. It's really sad. I love Duke, but I can't help but be really angry with him upon learning how he had hurt Nathan like this. I certainly understand why Nathan has hated Duke for so long, and why he struggles so much with trusting him. If you're confused about what Nathan meant about his "trouble" being brought back out... Every twenty-seven years, the "troubles" return to Haven, as does Audrey with a new set of someone else's memories. And when she's gone, the "troubles" then disappear for another twenty-seven years. However, when the time nears, the "troubles" are then brought back out in a person through stress, fear, trauma, etc... just as we learn here from Nathan, that his inability to feel anything was brought back out during his fight with Duke, upon realizing after their fight was over that he couldn't feel any pain he knew he should have felt. I hope all of this makes sense. As for the very end between Nathan and Duke on Duke's boat, after Nathan discovers that Audrey has been kidnapped when he comes over for their date... very scary. You will have to wait and see what comes about, but there's so much good to come! Thank you so much for your reaction! I really enjoyed watching it, and I love, love, love this episode!!! Until next time...