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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for your reaction for this phenomenal episode!! I absolutely love this first part of season two's finale. It's easily another one of my favorites within this season. :) First... I'm positive you can guess my favorite scene throughout this episode, since you know very well how much I love Nathan and Audrey. I love the moment when Nathan tries to admit to Audrey how he feels about her beyond that she's more to him than just his partner, until he cuts himself off, then sticks to simply assuring her that he stands by her after she had killed the Rev. And then... he goes on to give her Lucy Ripley's address after he'd spent quite some time gathering all the information he's gathered so he can find her for Audrey. And after he gives her Lucy's address, you can see how grateful she truly is to Nathan for what he's done for her. I absolutely love the look in her eyes as she looks into his almost in disbelief that he or anyone would really do something so wonderful just for her. And it's in this moment that Audrey discovers just how much Nathan means to her as well, and she hugs him while she expresses her gratitude. I love how he requests that Audrey go talk with Lucy, so long as she comes back and tells him everything she learns. Then, when she's about to walk away from him, I love, love, love when Audrey suddenly turns back around to face him and moves in to kiss Nathan deeply to let him know she meant what she said about caring for him more than just as her partner. Absolutely beautiful!!! This episode is full of twists and turns that evolve deep within the major story arc, and are woven into the more minor storyline involving another mystery, where at least two people are killed by someone's "trouble" that causes them to dry out and shrivel up into nothing but skin and bone. So creepy. Like you... I really love that while Audrey and Nathan work on solving a case that leads to the kidnapping of someone who's "troubled", kidnapped so a few people who are very much against the "troubled" can use his affliction to kill others in order to begin trying to rid Haven of them. this case also leads to a deeper expanding of the real mystery we've been waiting to learn more about... the big mystery behind Audrey. I love, love, love the revelation behind Audrey discovering that twenty-seven years ago, she was once Lucy Ripley upon having all of the real Lucy Ripley's memories, just like Audrey now possesses the real Audrey Parker's memories, or as she was otherwise known to us... Audrey Two from the first few episodes of this season, which connects their stories together. I love the idea that Audrey is now known to have taken the identities of two women, while Audrey Two has been erased just as Lucy Ripley feared would happen to her if she were ever found by anyone other than Audrey. And I love that Audrey's life, as well as the lives of those who are somewhat aware of the truth behind Audrey, Audrey Two, and Lucy Ripley, appear to keep falling into a repeat of their pasts as they're all working to help Audrey and the other women discover the truth. As for Duke's storyline and mystery behind his and his father's destiny... once again, this is a fantastic storyline. And I love Dwight's involvement with helping Duke to find the truth behind his father's death and what Simon Crocker left for his son in the event of his death. Although, it's pretty easy to tell that Dwight's motivation for helping Duke isn't just to help him, but to steal whatever it is they find on Vince Teagues' behest. And then... upon Dwight attempting to steal the box containing Simon Crocker's diary and a stash of weapons after Audrey arrives to question Duke aboard his boat about his father's involvement with wanting to find Lucy Ripley, it is discovered that Duke also has a "trouble" that comes out upon touching the blood of another "troubled" person, and we see him suddenly fall into a fit, then suddenly force Dwight back into the air and into the ocean. Only... Duke's "trouble" is definitely unique, giving more of a mystery to his character than ever before. And what's more interesting, is that Simon Crocker has left Duke with a task to apparently kill Audrey should he find her, just as he was tasked to kill her back when she was Lucy. And we see pictures of Audrey as Lucy left behind within his journal, as well as names, dates, etc... Absolutely brilliant!!! And in the end... Nathan arrives at the secret meeting held by those who are "troubled" upon him choosing their side so he can continue to try to protect them from those who hate them. Vince and Dwight are also there. The question is... what will come about as a result of this meeting? I absolutely love the mystery behind Audrey, Audrey Two, and now Lucy Ripley, and I love the real Lucy Ripley just as I loved Audrey Two before as well. This entire storyline and mystery behind Audrey's true identity is so intriguing and it's one of the biggest reasons why I love Haven so much. Thank you so, so much for another fabulous reaction!! I absolutely love this episode and all of the mysteries that become more unraveled throughout it. And I can't wait for your reaction for the second half of this season two part finale!!!! Until then...