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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for your reaction for another really fun episode! And I'm happy you watched this stand alone episode before the two part finale too. It doesn't have a whole lot to do with the major story arc going on throughout this series, but it still contains the most important aspect and message from it, which is the friendship shown between our three main characters. And it's shown within a Christmas themed episode, which I also really love. This episode is eerie just as you said, especially because of how Silent Night is played all throughout every time someone vanishes, making it so they no longer ever existed and so that no one remembers them, and it's genius how this episode really shows out of the box thinking, just like you said. I really love this overall concept and how poor Hadley's "trouble" works upon her feeling so alone. I really feel badly for her. And I love that she subconsciously seeks to vanish herself into the snowglobe her father made for her... the very snowglobe that all of Haven is being turned into. Very sad, but absolutely brilliant. Thankfully, Audrey is able to help Hadley understand what's happening and frees Hadley from her "trouble", allowing for all those who have vanished to return, unfortunately with no memory of what happened to them during the time that they all believed it was Christmas in spite of them being in the middle of July. I love how everyone in Haven other than Audrey believes that it's Christmastime, while they think Audrey is being a Scrooge because she refuses to accept what she knows isn't real thanks to her immunity to the "troubles". There's a lot of humor throughout this episode because of its concept. Especially because Duke brings so much of it, just as he does throughout most episodes. But I also love the humor between Audrey and Nathan, as well as between Nathan and Duke. And Duke in a Santa costume... hilarious! :) As for my favorite moments within this episode... I love the moment between Nathan and Audrey, just before Nathan vanishes, as she thanks Nathan for trusting her as he always does, then when he gently states how he wishes he had trusted her from the beginning. However, of course Audrey understands why he couldn't. I mean... a Christmas "trouble"? Any kind of "trouble" is hard enough for anyone to understand and to accept. But a Christmas "trouble" is just ridiculous, in the best sense. I just always love these kind of moments between Nathan and Audrey, because they care about one another so, so much, and it shows in the way they both look at one another, Which makes the moment Nathan disappears that much more heartbreaking, and you can see the heartbreak of his loss in Audrey's eyes in that moment. And then... I really love the scene in the ending when Audrey invites Nathan and Duke, as well as the rest of her friends within Haven over for a Christmas celebration that has become a new Haven tradition. I love that Audrey avoids telling anyone exactly why it is she's doing so, but I love that her experience with this "trouble" gives her a new appreciation and love for Christmas, especially since she's never cared to celebrate this holiday before because she's never had a family to celebrate Christmas with until now. I love how she shares that everything that happened reminded her how important her friends really are. Also... I love that Audrey buys Nathan and Duke the sled they both wanted, but because she could only find one, it's hilarious that they have to share it. :) Overall... this is definitely a fun episode and I really love it. Just as I love your reaction for it as well. So thank you very much once again! Like always, I can't wait for more!! Until next time...