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HAVEN 2.10 .mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to write out my thoughts for this episode and your reaction for it. Life has just been a bit crazy this last week. I've found myself having trouble collecting my thoughts. But as for this episode... I enjoy it for the most part. And I really enjoyed watching your reaction for it as well, so thank you! Again... I like the concept of these poor girls' "troubles", turning them into Wendigos... described as a monster with some characteristics of a human or as a spirit who has possessed a human being and made them become monstrous. Its influence is said to invoke acts of murder, insatiable greed, cannibalism and the cultural taboos against such behaviors. And from their folklore and what I've seen of them in other shows and movies, they are terrifying. As for Duke throughout this episode... While I do understand why he was acting so cold towards Audrey and Nathan, and why he has apparently fallen in with the Rev and his men upon losing Evi, Duke still makes me very angry. Especially when he threatens Nathan in order to sell his cover for the Rev. But I am grateful that he is at least simply undercover so he can continue to seek out answers about his father's death and what the Rev means about him and his father having been the only ones who can save Haven from the "troubles". But his motives and reasoning doesn't excuse his actions when he threatens Nathan. I love that Nathan and Audrey, especially Nathan, continues to fight for those who are "troubled" and to protect the girls from being killed by the Rev and his men, in spite of them having put together a mob to hunt them and kill them. And I love that Dwight is on Nathan's and Audrey's side as well. I love the scenes between him and the youngest of the three girls struggling so much with her hunger and thirst for blood that comes from her "trouble". I love learning a little more about Dwight, as we learn that he sadly had a daughter this young girl's age who died, which explains his devotion to saving her. As for the moment Audrey kills Reverend Driscoll... I was shocked he dies so early on, because like you, I expected him to be one of this show's main villains until the very end. I like the Rev as a villain, because he creates conflict and great friction throughout all of Haven, and while I hate him for treating all those who are "troubled" like they are outcasts in God's eyes, especially Nathan... his hatred of the "troubles" brings so many great scenes between him and Nathan. Nonetheless... I am also happy Audrey had been forced to kill him in order to protect the middle aged girl, who refused to kill him to quench her own thirst for blood. Could she have saved her simply by shooting the Rev in the leg? Or did she murder him because he was such a threat to the "troubled", especially to Nathan? I love the questions that are left open to our own interpretation. Overall... this is another great episode, so thank you again! A fun reaction. Until your next Haven reaction...