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Can't wait to watch this episode once I get caught up with the others! Thanks.


Currently adding the first few but I've lost 2 episodes so I'm gonna have to re edit and render them, shouldn't take long but keep checking back at the first episode and you should see it there within the next few minutes!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for your reaction for this episode! I really enjoy this episode a lot. Like you... I really love the change of pace within this episode, as it starts off with a man suddenly killing what appears to be his twin brother so randomly and again for what appear to be for no reason at all. And then things only escalate as this episode continues on. I love how this Cornell's "trouble" forces him to create a duplicate of himself each time the double is killed. In regards to your confusion about his "trouble" being a "trouble"... it's revealed that Cornell was embezzling from his company when it showed a man had been killed to keep him from ratting him out to his company. However, the original Cornell was too afraid to kill the man himself, but he didn't want to go to prison for embezzlement either. Chances are pretty good that Cornell would have been extremely stressed in trying to figure out how to take care of his problems. And therefore, his "trouble" created a duplicate version of himself capable of being the killer Cornell was initially too afraid of becoming. I love how protective Duke was off the kid who was working for him and on the run, especially after having witnessed Cornell murdering someone. And I love how cold he was towards Cornell's double when he came to the Grey Gull in the beginning to seek the kid out. And I also love how Duke discovers the truth about Evi in the end and how she's working with the Rev upon seeing the text come up of his wife's phone. And this is another reason why I really hate Evi, because she makes it so that the Rev is able to find cause to have Nathan fired from being the town's police Chief... the position that rightfully belongs to Nathan. For as long as Chief Wuornos was Chief and the "troubles" existed, he covered up the the truth with two separate case files for each of their cases in order to keep those who are "troubled" protected. Just as Nathan and Audrey have been doing as well with help from Vince and Dave. Now... the Rev knows and used Evi's information to take Nathan out as Chief and he's up to something much worse. I feel so badly for Nathan. Seeing him getting drunk in the end is certainly understandable. While he struggled with becoming the Chief at first because he didn't believe he could fill his father's shoes and didn't believe in himself, Nathan really came into the job and made being the Chief his own. Now... I love the overall main storyline with Cornell, and seeing Audrey, Nathan, and Duke work together to take Cornell down while protecting the boy. And I especially love how Audrey is able to save Nathan from being killed and to stop Cornell once and for all by talking solely to Cornell's double as she appeals to him being his own man, just as Audrey is now struggling to be her own self and not the other Audrey. And thankfully, her efforts pay off, as the double then kills Cornell himself, causing him to vanish as well. Really brilliant. I just really love Audrey's scene with Cornell while he's holding her hostage, and then later when she's convincing him to think for himself. Overall... I enjoy this episode a lot and I love the "trouble" within this episode. There's lots of good to come! Thank you so much! Until next time...