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Anna Hunt

This was a great reaction! I love this episode. Any episode with Aunt Josephine is a win in my opinion, and I loved getting to learn some more about her life. And the moments with her and Cole were really nice. I also like that they had Diana not agreeing with her life, I think that's pretty realistic. I think part of it too, is that Diana has looked up to her aunt her whole life, and she feels like there was this big secret that she didn't know, so she's feeling a little lost and less connected to her. Getting to see Marilla and Matthew's backstory was nice too. They definitely had to grow up really fast, and it makes their personalities more understandable. I've said it before, but I really do think Anne coming to live with them did them as much good as it did her. Anyway, great reaction. The next episode is one of my favorites, can't wait!