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Joe Wiik

Is Skam every two weeks now? :)


It's still every week, just been a bit busy but it'll be up either later or tomorrow! Apologies for the wait!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another great reaction for Haven! I really enjoyed watching your reaction for this episode like always. And I like this episode for the most part. I really love the mystery behind the murder that happens within this storyline. And I really love how this episode ends without Nathan and Audrey being able to arrest a killer in spite of him having killed a man with intention, because of his "trouble". However, I didn't really care about the idea for this "trouble" where the men in the family have to live under water whenever the "troubles" come around again because they're unable to breathe air. Just like I felt about Chris' adoration "trouble", this fish out of water kind of "trouble" feels strange to me as well. My favorite moment within this episode is in the end, when Nathan and Audrey talk about how they seem to be following in his father's and Lucy's footsteps without even realizing they have been all along. I just love how Nathan and Audrey are always there for one another, and how they comfort one another. Their relationship, friendship, or partnership... is really special and I love them. As for the Rev... he is definitely an evil man, who is sorely misguided in his beliefs towards those who are "troubled". Driscoll believes that Nathan and all those who are "troubled" are being punished by God for having committed terrible and evil sins, when they are actually born with the "troubles" that are passed on within their families through generations. And Driscoll hates those that are "troubled" with every fiber of his being. And he doesn't really believe they can be forgiven or redeemed simply by going to church either. He only seeks the glory that comes from claiming to help them to cure their "troubles." Every word that comes out of his mouth is poison. And his biggest grudge is against Nathan, who hates him just as much for treating him and every one else "troubled" like they're evil and abominations. And finally... of course Duke isn't going to let the mystery behind his father's death go. Unfortunately, we've discovered that Evi has been working alongside the Rev all along since she came to Haven, in order to try to bring Duke over to his side. There's lots more to come, and the Rev is certainly up to no good. Thank you so much for your reaction once again! I enjoy this episode and I really loved watching your reaction for it. I can't wait for more like always!! Until next time...