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Hey guys, just want to let you all know that my Vimeo account has just been disabled randomly which means literally every link is not working at the moment, I'm working on getting this sorted ASAP though and will keep you all updated.


So for the past few hours I've been trying to sort this and I've found a different site to use since Vimeo won't give my account back so I'll have to reupload all the previous videos and replace the links to them. It'll be a few days until they're all back up to normal again but I'll still be uploading and recording new episodes in the midst of all that. Appreciate all of you and your support! ❤



Also just a bit more information, I'm pretty sure this happened because of The Walking Dead uncut reactions, there's a company out there that is very strict with TWD content and they claim videos left right and centre on YT so I'm thinking this is to do with them. If that's the case I'll not be uploading TWD uncuts anymore, only the cut versions of the rewatch when I continue it.

Lori LaPorte

Thanks for the update Morgan, too bad it went down like that!


I just rejoined your patreon today and I thought I was going crazy because no links were working for me lol! Good to know things will be sorted out soon... Thanks for doing everything you can, I know it has to be a lot of work to redo and fix all the links.


Appreciate you pledging again and apologise that everything is down! Shouldn't take too long though I've already replaced all of Breaking Bad and then next will be SKAM and I'll go from there. I will have fresh uploads coming aswell throughout all of this though. Thank you again! :)

Nikki Batley

Hey Morgan. How're doing with the appocolyptic toilet roll shortage in tje UK? Hope all TWD episodes have prepared you for the days to come mate. Stay safe and for fuck sake, stay indoors if you can. It's gonna get nasty out there.