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Here is my reaction to episode 4 of Haven Season 2, enjoy!


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another great reaction for Haven! Like always, I had fun watching another episode with you. Although... I have to admit that this episode is one of my least favorite episodes of this season. It's not bad, but I just feel like this episode isn't as entertaining as the rest. For me... the overall idea of this episode is a little too out of the box and the acting from everyone feels really off to me. As for my favorite part about this episode... I love the introduction to Dwight played by your man... Adam Copeland. I love learning that he acted as the Chief's cleaner, who worked to make certain things caused by the "troubles" to disappear. Yes... he's an electrician for now, but there's so much more to him. I love the mystery behind his character. And I especially love how he comes to Nathan in the end to let him know that so long as Nathan supports his work and helps him to protect all those that are "troubled" like Dwight knows Nathan has been doing, especially given that he himself is "troubled", that he will support Nathan and help him in any way he can. I really love seeing Nathan stand up to the Rev in the end as well. Nathan always has, but I love that Nathan threatens to arrest the Rev if he discovers that Reverend Driscoll was involved in helping the wife to kill her husband. Also... I enjoy the mystery behind who is "troubled" and the storyline between the Mayor's wife and her husband's mistress causing the sparks that killed the Mayor. I also really like how the wife attempted to convince the mistress that she was to blame for her husband's death, when it was really the wife all along. I didn't see this twist coming. It's very sad, but it's a great storyline. As for Chris Brody, and his and his father's "trouble" that makes everyone adore them... I really don't care much for this "trouble" because it just makes everyone act strangely and very much out of character. I realize this is the idea of the "trouble", but for me... it's a little too strange, even though at times it does brings some funny moments, especially with Nathan. And I really hate Chris Brody's character. I've never liked Jason Priestly as an actor in any role, and this role as Chris is no different. Chris is a jerk, in the worst kind of ways in my opinion. Not a lovable kind of jerk like Duke can be towards Nathan. But my hate for him also has to do a lot with what's to come for him, which I won't get into on account of spoilers. But as a character... I just really dislike Chris in his entire role throughout the series. Now... I also really didn't care at all for Duke's storyline with Evi throughout this episode. I like the mystery behind the box Duke finds in the Rasmussen House, especially in seeing his name appear in the black light on the box's lid. I just don't like Evi at all. And I hate that Duke is foolish enough to keep letting her dig her claws into him. Overall... this episode is just okay. But I enjoy it nonetheless. Thank you so much for your reaction once again! And I can't wait for many more Haven reaction from you to come! So, until next time...


I definitely see what you mean, the first few minutes of the episode I was so confused with how Nathan was acting so it threw me off a little. As for the "trouble" that makes people adore them I agree it's a little out of place, troubles have always lived up to their name y'know... troubles, however this one doesn't really do anything other than make characters act weird like you said, I feel like that could have been left out of the episode and it wouldn't have changed anything. Love the introduction of Dwight and how he has a connection to the Cheif, I feel like it makes his introduction and his character special, the fact that he isn't just some random character... there's a history there which I like and I'm sure I'll learn more about in future episodes. I also agree about Evi, she rubs me the wrong way at the moment and I don't feel like that will change, as for the box and how it shows Duke's name I'm really interested in that and can't wait to learn more about it! Thank you so much for your insights as usual, I really appreciate them!