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Here is my reaction to episode 2 of Haven Season 2, enjoy!



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so, so much for your reaction for this episode!! I absolutely love it, as it's one of my favorite episodes throughout this season and the entire show as well. I'm really happy you enjoyed it, and that you've come to really love Nathan so much too. Nathan is and has always been my favorite character from the very beginning. He's so complex and Lucas Bryant brings so much to his character. Not just the emotions I love seeing from him, but also all the little details with how he reacts to not only being unable to feel anything, to when he comes to feeling again all throughout this episode. My favorite moment... I love, love, love how Nathan sacrifices being able to feel again in the end so that Jackie can be free of her "trouble" that like Nathan tells Audrey in the end... is impossible to live with, given that her "trouble" forces people to see their worst fears through her eyes. It's tragic, so Nathan truly saved her, and allowed for her to find her happiness again with her boyfriend, Brian. So beautiful, and so sad for Nathan. Also... I really love the end scene between Nathan and Audrey inside the Grey Gull. Nathan is really struggling with having to go back to not feeling again, and I just love how Audrey is there with him to offer him strength, and how she assures him that it was really amazing of him to make the sacrifice he did. And I love how Audrey lovingly reaches out to take his hand so that he can at least feel her. You stated within this reaction how you've come to really ship Audrey and Nathan, and I'm so happy that you do now, because so do I. I know that you initially shipped her with Duke in the beginning, but for me... I've always felt that Nathan and Audrey have more chemistry between one another, because the actors who play them... Emily Rose and Lucas Bryant, really have a lot of chemistry with one another too. This isn't actually the first project these two actors have starred in together either. They also starred in another TV movie before this show too, which they were good in together too. As for the overall main storyline throughout this episode... I really love the whole mystery behind how Nathan suddenly comes to feel again, learning about Duke's old thief friend's "trouble" that allows for him to steal other people's "troubles", and the overall concept of this poor girl's "trouble" that causes people to see their worst fears. I love the mystery behind it and seeing Audrey, Nathan, Duke, and Audrey Two work together to figure it all out. I love seeing what a number of the characters' worst fears are, including Duke's, Dave's, Audrey Two's, as well as a number of the random townsfolk's too. And we also see that Nathan suddenly becomes terrified upon looking into Jackie's eyes too, but we don't actually ever see or are told what it is he sees. But he's clearly absolutely terrified. In all honesty... I can't recall if Nathan ever does talk about what he sees in future episode, but I really don't think that he does, which I feel is definitely a missed opportunity. However, if I had to guess what he might have seen... I think it would have something to do with Audrey, and the possibility of losing her somehow. Because Nathan has grown very close to her. I would love to know what you might think he could have seen. What do you think? As for Dave's vision of "Lucy"... there is definitely an added mystery behind why Dave is so afraid of her. And I was definitely intrigued. Vince and Dave certainly know so much more than they're saying, and Audrey, Nathan, and Duke all suspect so. However, they know to be patient and understanding with them too. And lastly... I really enjoy seeing Duke continue to help Audrey and Nathan throughout this episode as well. I love that he continues to be terrified of the "man with the tattoo" meant to kill him one day. More so... I love how when Duke sees his fear... it reveals a tattooed man wearing a mask to hide his face, which to me... is symbolic of the mystery behind who this person will be. It's really brilliant. Overall... this is a phenomenal episode where Nathan's character really shines, and I absolutely love it! Thank you again, so much for your reaction for it, my friend!! :) I can't wait for more!! The mysteries just keep on coming, and there's so much more to come!!! Until next time...