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Here is my reaction to episode 13 of Haven Season 1, enjoy!


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Wow... this first season finale is phenomenal! It's one of my overall favorite episodes throughout the entire series. I have a few favorites, but this episode is definitely one of them because like you said... it starts off strong and the twists just keep on coming. Fantastic!!! :) First... I absolutely love Nathan's storyline with the big reveal that the Chief isn't his biological father, when his true biological father comes to Haven looking to take Nathan away from the Chief and to kill the man for taking his son away from him, as well as for putting him in prison for over thirty years for murdering a family and beating his wife and son. I also love that Max Hanson seems to have a connection with all of our main characters, or at the very least... wants something from them like he clearly wanted something from Duke and even Audrey. On top of loving this main storyline with Nathan and Chief Wuornos… I love, love, love the emotion we see from Nathan, thanks to Lucas Bryant's incredible acting throughout this episode. I love him in every episode of course, but his skills as an actor really stands out to me particularly in this season one finale, along with a few other episodes too. As does Nicholas Campbell (Chief Wuornos). As for the moment of the Chief's death and Nathan's final moments with him... it's so tragic and my heart breaks for Nathan especially during this scene. It's beautifully acted between these two characters, and even Audrey steps back upon being unable to find the right words to help them, after she's been able to help everyone else. I can most certainly understand Nathan's anger towards her at first and why he pushes her away. And I also come to understand more of why Garland kept pushing Nathan to become stronger, in spite of him keeping his son at arms length and being so cold towards him. The Chief knew a lot more about the "troubles" than Nathan ever could have known, and kept everything from him. But on top of that... the Chief himself was "troubled" too. And we finally get the reveal as to where all of the cracks around Haven keep coming from. It turns out that the Chief has been struggling deeply to keep the town together, and in the end, he sacrifices his life by forcing his "trouble" inward upon himself, causing him to turn to stone and shatter into pieces. It's so sad and I absolutely feel horrible for Nathan. You're right... Nathan and the Chief never had the chance to reconcile and that has clearly effected Nathan. The guilt is tearing him apart. Now...I absolutely love the moment in the end between Nathan and Audrey too, once Nathan comes to her and apologizes for pushing her away, and he finally reveals the truth to her about being able to feel her when she reaches out to touch his hands in comfort. And then... Audrey finally reveals to Nathan she believes that Lucy isn't her mother, but that she and Lucy are one in the same. Absolutely brilliant, and what a beautiful moment between Nathan and Audrey. It is scenes like this one, that are why I absolutely love these two characters more than everyone else. And what a reveal!! As for Duke... I really enjoy his scenes as well, and his fear of the man with the tattoo coming to kill him. And then... we get another big reveal and mystery with Julia Carr, as she shows Duke all of the gravestones showing the same design of the mysterious tattoo on them too. And we also see a mysterious tattoo strangely appear and disappear on the back of Julia's left shoulder too. Very strange. What does this mean? You will just have to keep watching as you get into season two. I can't wait!! The mystery continues to deepen. New characters, bot good and bad join the cast, and things in Haven are most certainly heating up! :) Thank you so much!! I have really loved watching this reaction from you like all the rest, as you continue to watch this amazing show for the first time. I love being able to watch it again with you. So, thank you again! Until your first reaction for season two's premier...