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Here is my reaction to episode 12 of Haven Season 1, enjoy!


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for Haven. I really enjoy this episode a lot, mostly for the development within Nathan's and Duke's relationship, as well as for the development in Audrey's story in regards to Lucy too. Most of all... I love that the reason for Nathan's distrust and hatred towards Duke is finally revealed throughout this episode. And it's exactly like you said... to Duke, what he and his friends did to Nathan might not have seemed like such a big deal, to them or to anyone else. However, for Nathan... having the boys pretend to be his friend as they stick sixteen tacks into Nathan's back by patting it, causing him to bleed out severely from the sounds of it, all the while lying to Nathan about how a girl he likes likes him in return and giving him the courage to ask her out until she screams out upon seeing him bleeding out. It's really sad and tragic. As we know about Nathan, he's very sensitive about his affliction that he has recently come to accept is his "trouble". Being void of all feeling pains him and has made him hate himself for a very long time. What Duke did to him was the beginning of this self loathing in Nathan, so Nathan partially blames Duke for a lot of his pain, because there's nothing he can do about ridding himself of his "trouble" and he doesn't have anyone else to blame aside from himself, which he does also. I love it!! I also really loved the ruse Duke pulls Nathan into in order to stop the counterfeiters. And I love that Nathan actually goes along with it, as he pretends to be a criminal working with Duke. I also love how Duke pretends to be "Special Agent" Haven PD, as he uses Nathan's badge and gun to save Nathan from being killed. Hilarious. :) As for Audrey's storyline... I love that she discovers more about Lucy and herself, and the possibility that she's somehow related to Lucy through helping James resurface long enough to say goodbye to his loved ones, as well as to protect them from the killers. I love the "trouble" James suffers from, as he's stuck moving too fast for anyone to see, causing him to suffer from seizures just like his son too. And I absolutely love that Audrey is the only one who can help bring him back, because she has a special gift to be able to help those with "troubles", just as Lucy helped James too. Overall... this was a great episode, and a great lead up to the season one finale. I really enjoyed it, and all of the revelations revealed throughout this episodes. Thank you so much again! Until season one's finale...