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Here is my reaction to episode 5 of Haven Season 1, enjoy!


HAVEN 1.5 .mp4

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This was meant to be up yesterday morning but my internet decided to shut off for a whole 24 hours unfortunately, apologies for the delay and will have more videos up later!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another great reaction! I enjoy this episode, although I felt that the overall storyline seemed kind of weak in comparison to a number of other episodes that I enjoy that much more. Don't get me wrong... I love Duke and I felt like he did a brilliant acting job in this episode, especially when showing the emotion. I was honestly more invested in the development within Duke's and Nathan's strained friendship, or lack thereof. However, in this episode we definitely saw that Nathan doesn't dislike Duke as much as we were led to believe in the previous four episodes. They have a difficult history between them and there's so much more to be revealed as the seasons continues. As for the scene in the end when Nathan starts to walk up to the restaurant as Duke opens the door to him... it isn't so much that Nathan wants to continue hating Duke. Their history is very difficult for Nathan to let go of and he doesn't know how to do so. And Duke is at a loss over how to make things right, due to reasons yet to be explained. As for the "Troubled" storyline... I applaud the concept of the idea and there were aspects from it that I liked, but overall, I didn't. If this idea simply stuck with a woman with a "trouble" that caused her to steal the life force away from a man when sleeping with them and causing them to age at an accelerated rate, then this episode would have been better. However, I didn't like added aspect of Helena giving birth to the babies and the babies making the men sick until they die. And I also felt the end result on how Audrey saved Duke was rushed and bizarre. It was a weak ending. Overall... I still enjoy this episode and I especially enjoyed your reaction for it, so thank you again! I can't wait for more!! Until next time...