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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Man in the Iron Mask- Thank you very much for this fantastic reaction to such an incredible movie, Morgan!! I am so happy you enjoyed this phenomenal, and powerful movie! I absolutely love this movie so much and all of the actors in it. Such an amazing cast, who play these incredible characters I love, based on one of my all time favorite classics... The Three Musketeers. We have Jeremy Irons as Aramis, Gabriel Byrne as d'Artagnan, John Malkovich as Athos, and Gerard Depardieu as Porthos. And then... We also have Leonardo DiCaprio who plays duel roles as King Louis XIV and Philippe... Twin brothers separated at birth so one could become King, while the other was forced to become a prisoner in an iron mask to hide his true identity and heritage. I absolutely love Leonardo DiCaprio in this movie, in both roles because he plays Louis and Philippe beautifully. One is so evil and the other is so kind. And his acting is absolutely phenomenal in both roles. Especially while he is playing Philippe trying to play Louis. Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor who I like sometimes, and other times I don't like him. For me... The Man in the Iron Mask is easily my favorite movie with him, and my favorite roles for him. Especially because of his facial expressions. Because you can see the evil and cruelty in his eyes when he is acting as Louis, while you can equally see the softness and kindness in his eyes when he is playing Philippe, as well as the kindness in his eyes while Philippe is trying to play Louis. It's marvelous!! I also very love each one of the Musketeers, just as I love their characters in The Three Musketeers as well. I admire these men deeply for their valor, honor, love, and the friendship they show and stand for. They fight for the love and honor of one another, and they die for one another. If only all men, women, and our leaders lived up to the morals and strengths of these men. And the cast for each of these characters are phenomenal too. I read The Three Musketeers when I was fairly young, and again years later a few times. Same as the novel this movie is based on... The Man in the Iron Mask. The Three Musketeers and The Man in the Iron Mask are a few of my favorite novels, written by the phenomenal author... Alexandre Dumas, who also wrote another of my all time favorite classic novels... The Count of Monte Cristo, as well. What a phenomenal author, who has written yet another phenomenal story!! The Man in the Iron Mask is loosely based on a true story about a man who did truly live the years of his life trapped within an iron mask, yet no one ever knew his true identity. A story originally told by this prisoners jailors and the other prisoners. And those who did know of this man's true identity... Those who had this man imprisoned in the first place, most likely died keeping this secret. So, because of this, rumors were spread about who this prisoner in the iron mask might be. And this classic novel and movie comes from the theory that Alexander Dumas conceived about this long forgotten prisoner within an iron mask. And what a phenomenal beautiful theory and story it is!! I just deeply love the overall story of the Musketeers, who fight against King Louis to save all of France from the King's tyranny by placing France's righteous and rightful ruler upon the throne, in spite of d'Artagnan's devotion to protecting the King and his sons. I understand his need to protect Louis, given that he's known all these years that this evil man is his son, as well as his King, whom he is sworn as a Musketeer to protect. And yet, in the end... d'Artagnan tragically, yet honorably gives his life to protect not only the man he comes to learn is also his son, but also comes to see as the true and righteous King of France. And it's beautiful. d'Artagnan is truly a man of honor. I also love Queen Anne and her love story with d'Artagnan. I love that we learn he is Louis' and Philippe's true father, and not the former King of France who was King before Louis and Philippe. As I love the backstory we learn through Aramis about how the twins were born and then separated, and how Philippe became imprisoned in the iron mask by Louis. And I love how Queen Anne understands the Musketeers' plan to replace her son for the other she believed to have died, and that she sides with them. And I truly love her relationship with Philippe. So beautiful. I love Athos' kindness towards Philippe and their love when their relationship grows. It is tragic how Louis has Athos' son recalled to his regiment and then killed in battle, all because he lusted for the son's fiancée, Christine. And in the end... Christine hangs herself out of guilt for falling for King Louis' lies and becoming his mistress, all because she wanted to protect her own family. So sad. I love the Musketeers' plan to replace Louis with his brother Philippe, as they teach Philippe how to become Louis, then together they switch the twins at the Masquerade ball. What a brilliant plan. Unfortunately, their plan fails because Philippe is just too kind and gives himself away by instinctively showing his kindness, while d'Artagnan unfortunately sees through their deceptions. Thankfully, all four Musketeers and brothers in the end come together again in the ending with the same common dream... To stand and fight for a righteous King, knowing that Louis will never be that King they hoped he would become. Tragically... d'Artagnan dies protecting his other son he never knew he had until the end, when Louis strikes out to try to kill Philippe. This is so sad, and this moment always makes me cry every time I watch this movie. As does the moment the most honorable Musketeers charge against the rest still forced to fight under d'Artagnan's and the King's command. I love how each of the Musketeers under d'Artagnan's command stand up with the in the very end as well. Especially the one soldier directly under his hero, who thrusts his sword against Louis' throat and states... "All I ever wanted was to be him." So powerful and it shows just how much he and the rest of the Musketeers truly look up to these original four men. As does when each of the other Musketeers turn their heads away and close their eyes out of despair upon being ordered to shoot the Musketeers as they charge them. This whole battle and moment in the end is my favorite scene throughout the whole movie. It's so powerful, touching, and beautiful. And this ending makes me cry every time. Now... I absolutely love the very end after Philippe truly is able to become King upon taking Louis' place for a second time successfully, then declares the Musketeers to be his royal advisers and his truest friends. And I love the funeral, when Philippe asks Athos to allow him to love him like a father, and for him to love him like a son. I love their father/son relationship. And lastly... I love the music and the costumes all throughout this movie as well. The music is powerful and beautiful, and the costumes are elegant and so incredible. Thank you very much once again for watching this movie for me, Morgan! I truly enjoyed your reaction for this beautiful movie, and I am so happy you enjoyed it so much as well. I can't wait for your continued reactions!! Until next time, dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi