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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Meet Joe Black- Thank you so much for another wonderful movie reaction, Morgan! I am so happy that you really enjoyed this movie! I absolutely love Meet Joe Black! For me... It's just a phenomenal, powerful, and emotional movie, phenomenally acted by everyone in it. I normally don't care much for Brad Pitt as an actor, but the way he plays Death/Joe Black, is just really incredible. And I love him as the man in the coffee shop as well. And the musical scores throughout this movie are absolutely beautiful!! I love it all so much! I love all of the characters outside of Drew of course. Although, the actor (Jake Weber) who plays Drew, does a really great job playing someone you're meant to hate. Claire Forlani as Susan Parrish, Marcia Gay Harden as Allison Parrish, and Jeffrey Tambor as Quince are all lovable and brilliant characters whom I love too. Brad Pitt as Joe Black... or Death, and as the man in the coffee shop, and Anthony Hopkins as Bill Parrish both stand out above the rest of the characters, just as they're meant to. I absolutely love Bill Parrish throughout this movie! He has a number of heartwarming moments. Not just with Death, but with both of his daughters as well. And I love how generous, good, and kind he is, and how he has lived a full life with no regrets, then dies in peace with the feeling he no longer wants anything more in life. How many people can really say that when they're about to pass on? I would imagine very few. And Death... I absolutely love the idea of seeing Death as a character, and I absolutely love how Brad Pitt plays such a complex role like this. I just love how he acts whenever Death is introduced to new feelings and emotions. Feelings and emotions, which he's never felt before. Even everyday things that are so normal to everyone else. Things like peanut butter. And I love being able to see how his feelings grow and how he evolves throughout this movie as well. Especially upon Death feeling love for the first time. Brad Pitt's acting is just phenomenal, and far above his acting in any other role and movie I have ever seen with him. He plays Death brilliantly! And I also really love him as just the man in the coffee shop as well. He and Claire Forlani in both roles throughout this movie have such strong chemistry, and I also absolutely love how Brad Pitt as Death plays off of Anthony Hopkins as Bill Parrish too. In regards to the strangeness, or awkwardness in Death's romance with Susan... As awkward as it might be for some people, it's also quite beautiful and a testament to the actors' acting skills. Overall... I really love it, because Death is a being, or a supernatural entity as some might call it, that has no understanding of love and other human emotions or feelings. Nor does It have any such appreciation for things that we as humans typically take for granted. Things like peanut butter. He knows of the concepts and what things are, but he doesn't understand them until the ending. And I absolutely love how curious he is to learn what makes us as humans feel as we feel. And Susan slowly helps him to find such feeling and appreciation for all of it as they grow closer throughout this movie. Especially love. And it's all really quite beautiful to watch. Even when Death is prepared to take away Susan's life so that they can continue to be together after Death must leave in order to return to Heaven, or wherever it is Death resides. However, Susan then shares how it is truly the way the man in the coffee shop has spoken with her, that has made more of an impact on her life than any of her experiences with Joe she has. The man in the coffee shop is who has made Susan feel as her mother made her father feel all the years of their happy life together and with his wife. The way Bill wishes for his daughter to feel all the days of her life with the man she chooses to spend the rest of her life with too. And Death comes to understand that while Susan has fallen in love with him as Joe Black, it's still her initial meeting with the man in the coffee shop that is why she's truly fallen in love with him. This man is who Susan really loves. Which is why Death finally changes his mind and says goodbye to her in the end, carefully revealing to her and helping her to understand who, or what he really is. And it's really beautiful. I do believe Death really helps Susan to understand exactly who, or what he is by the end, and that she does come to know he is Death. Except I feel that her brain, or her logical instincts fight against the truth, which is why she seems so unsettled by the truth at first. And yet... Her knowing the truth is what allows for her to know that her father has died, and that he's at peace as well, which is why she feels so at peace by his death in the end as well. And Death promises Susan that she will always have what she has found with the man in the coffee shop, just as he assures Bill of this too. That she will be happy in the way that he wants for his daughter. Like I said above... I also absolutely love and adore the friendship between Death and Bill throughout this movie. I love how they both struggle to come to terms with their partnership of sorts Death forces upon Bill so that he can try to understand why humans feel and act as they do, and that how over time, their qualms with one another grows into a powerful friendship and understanding between one another by the end of the movie. As for my favorite moments throughout this incredible movie... I love the very end between Death and Bill, once Bill has said his goodbyes to his daughters and to Quince, as Bill is finally ready to die and to move on with Death at his side as a very close friend. I love how Death thanks Bill for showing him what it means to love and be human, and how Death assures Bill that he's a good man who has lived a good life. A life he admires very deeply. And that because he's a good man, he has no reason to fear dying. What a powerful and emotional moment! Another of my favorite moments is between Bill, Joe, and Drew, when Joe finally reveals himself to be an IRS agent in order to help Bill to save his company and legacy for his family. Drew is such a snake, and he gets his comeuppance in the best way possible. I love that by Drew mocking Joe earlier within the movie about death and taxes, that it sparks the idea in Death to use the analogy to help Bill, and that his final words to Drew before he walks dejectedly out of Bill's office upon being fired are, "Death and taxes". Absolutely brilliant!! So perfect! :) Next... I love Death's first introduction as Death when he comes before Bill to tell him what's to come and how his life is ending, then reveals how he's taken over the body of the man in the coffee shop, whom he killed simply to take his body so he could spend some time on Earth among Bill and his family. What a phenomenal performance! Also... I love the moments between Death and the dying woman in the hospital, and how she recognizes him as who he really is and not as the imposter he's pretending to be for everyone else's sake. I love how she sees him as Death, and pleads with him to take her to Heaven to finally end her pain. I also love how Death speaks with her in her native accent too. Really quite beautiful. And lastly... I love Bill's final moments with his daughters and with Quince as well. I love how Bill tells Allison how much he loves her after she assures him she has felt loved all of her days in spite of how he feels towards Susan. I also love how Bill forgives Quince for being unwittingly manipulated by Drew and assures him he's a good man. And I love the moment he dances with Susan and reminds her to follow her heart and to find the kind of love she deserves. Overall... I absolutely love Meet Joe Black very much! And I am so happy you enjoyed watching it as well. This is a very long movie, but it's really quite beautiful. And in no way does it feel three hours long. Thank you, my dear friend. I really appreciate you for watching this movie for me. Thank you very much again!!! Like always... I'm excited for many more movie reactions from you to come! I hope you and your loved ones remain healthy, and be happy! :) Sincerely, Heidi