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Hello guys! Hope you are doing well and I am here to announce something that I will be doing in my Patreon page soon. 

I noticed that my posts weren't shown as a thumbnail and the reason was because I was creating them as "text posts" and not as "image posts". I want to change this as soon as possible and I am currently already working on this situation, as I want my page to be more pleasing to watch and because of that, I ask for your understanding.

I will have to create new posts for all of the episodes, which means that I will need to remove the previous ones as well. This means that you guys will most likely be receiving many notifications that a new post was published, which I deeply apologize. 

As you guys probably noticed, I have a new design for my thumbnails so I am going to be updating the previous thumbnails to the new design as well while I am at it.

Hope that you guys understand this situation and I want this to be fixed as soon as possible.

Thank you all and stay safe!


Carlos Santos

Np $#1t happens XD, just take ur time