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Money makes the world go round. People follows those with power and power comes with those with money!

The final stretch! This is the last normal release. The next release(s) we will tackle the endings.


- Added the structure for the endings. This means that there is a (soft) time limit of 12 days. You can go back to the school for now though. But not if you defeated 6 major shades. 

- Added the night and day version of the Greenhouse. It unlocks having the "realization" mid game. You can work there to get a bit f money.
- OR... You can sell your body for way more!

- The Greed dungeon is all about moneis! Better have some at hand!

Changelog 0.6.1:
- Greed Shade should appear even after defeating the wrath one. 

Changelog 0.6.2: 

- Sloth scene fixed
- no softlock for when you defeat all 6 shades
- Corrected the absorb vs destroy scenes for the greed shade





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