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It was quite a walk out to the castle, and no one was in any real hurry. The couples all scattered a bit to talk with one another, with Dust holding a parasol  of all things for Darkness, and Kazuma noticed for the first time just how tall Dust was. Normally, the man slouched so much that you wouldn’t notice, but he was actually maybe a centimeter or two taller than Darkness when he bothered to stand up straight. That made him one of the tallest Adventurers in town, which was a bit of a shocker to Kazuma.

“You know, I almost bought the idea that idiot was a nobleman,” Kazuma muttered to Rin. “Where the hell did he pull this act from?”

“Search me. He’s still being a scumbag, even if he’s dressed up fancy. Did you see him try to pinch Darkness’ butt?!”

“Yeah, and she leaned into it. It’s almost like he’s calculated exactly how to please her: Half fancy twit, half gutter trash.”

“I think Taylor actually did calculate his approach to Megumin, but he does everything that way,” Rin said, sounding exasperated, though she did smile in amusement as she nodded to them.

Taylor was talking about growing up in Axel and hunting for various wild plants to eat to feed his younger brothers, while Megumin laughed and shared stories about the insane things Komekko had been willing to eat.

Meanwhile, Keith was pouring his heart out to Aqua, who for once seemed to be sympathetic. Though the advice she was giving was as wild as ever.

“Don’t let your dream girls just be dreams! And if she’s a smelly demon, you should join the Axis Cult and slay her! Then you can hook up with a cutie from my followers! Just sign this contract!”

“Yeah, this isn’t as bad as I imagined,” Kazuma admitted with a sigh. “Everyone seems to be having fun, and no one has tried to kill their date yet.”

“There is time yet,” Rin giggled, but then to Kazuma’s delight and surprise, slipped her hand into his, giving it a squeeze. “So, what’s the secret to the great Kazuma Sato?”

“What secret? Everyone already knows what I’m about,” Kazuma said with a shrug.

“No, I mean, how did you end up in Axel? I’ve heard you came with Aqua, where do you know her from?” Rin asked curiously.

Wincing, Kazuma mulled over lying, but sighed and gave it up as a bad job. “We just met that day, actually. I was…well, I had to leave my homeland, and I sort of dragged her with me against her will. She’d given me a choice between coming to Belzerg and starting a new life after my old one was over, and I tricked her into making the same oath I did. She can’t go home until we defeat the Devil King.”

“Wow, that’s rough. Dick move there, Kazuma. What were you banished for, anyway?” Rin asked. “Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you, unless it was something really messed up.”

“Nah, I wasn’t even exiled I guess, I just…” he sighed. “You know how Aqua can bring people back to life?”

“Yeah…” Rin said, her brow furrowing. “That is a pretty amazing trick, I’ve only ever heard of a couple legendary archpriests that could manage that.”

“Well, I died in an accident, and she brought me back, and my choices were pretty much dying again or coming here. She offered to give me a magic item, but I got pissed off at how snooty she was being and picked her. Apparently you can do that, and her bosses made her come here with me.”

“Oh.” Rin thought that over, then nodded. “She can be a bit much, but that makes sense. Weird though, you two seem like best friends now.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Kazuma admitted with a shrug.

“...any reason you didn’t date her?” Rin asked, glancing at Kazuma out of the corner of her eye and keeping her tone deliberately casual.

“I just don’t think of her that way. And, uh, Keith is probably going to be disappointed too. Aqua isn’t, uh, I don’t think she’s into this sort of thing…”

“Oh! Oh my gods, is she gay!?” Rin gasped, looking over at Keith in horror. “Oh, he’s going to be so disappointed…”

“Uh, I don’t think so? She’s just not into the whole romance deal. But, uh, hopefully they’ll have fun or something,” Kazuma said with a sigh.

“Er, I guess, as long as she doesn’t get Keith in the Axis Cult. Aqua’s pretty normal for one of them,” Rin said with a shrug.

“What about you?” Kazuma said, trying not to laugh at the thought of a ‘normal’ Aqua. “Why’d you end up in Axel?”

“Me? Well, I was born in the town of Hub, it’s further north, with slightly higher level monsters. My parents are decently well off, and I had a knack for magic, so they sent me to the College of Mages in the Capital. I was a good student, graduated in three years with honors, knowing Intermediate Magic and having mastered six schools, though I specialized in Evocation since that’s the normal path for an Adventurer. I didn’t want to grow up and be a grocer like my mom and dad, and I’ve got two older siblings and a little brother.”

“Huh,” Kazuma said, then glanced at Rin’s tail.

“And before you ask, my dad’s a beastman, my mom’s a human. So I got the tail, but none of the other furry bits,” Rin said, poking Kazuma in the side.

“Ow! Hey, I like the tail! Is it, uh…sensitive?” He asked, glancing  behind Rin. Actually, her tail was wagging happily, even when he reached out to touch it.

“Yes!” Rin swished her tail away from Kazuma and frowned at him. “Look, I’ll flash you, but touching the tail is definitely not a first date kind of thing. It’s connected to my spine! So yes, it is an erogenous zone, which is why most beastkin are so protective of their tails.” Her tail flew up and swatted Kazuma’s hand. “So no touching, unless I tell you it’s OK! We’re not at that stage in our relationship yet!”

“Alright, alright. I was just curious,” Kazuma protested.

“Oh I’m sure.” Something tickled Kazuma’s back, and Rin giggled when he grabbed at the tail, flicking the appendage just out of his reach. “Don’t worry, if you keep this up, you’ll get your tail stroking privileges.”

They eventually came to Beldia’s old haunt just before sunset, and Rin directed Aqua and Keith in spreading out the blankets they’d brought, as well as setting out the food. Dust spread his jacket on the ground for Darkness to sit on, which earned him a blush and a thank you, while Megumin practiced her poses asTaylor watched and gave color commentary.

“Hmm, are you going for a more intimidating pose, or a cute one? Because if you kick your leg up like that, it’s very fetching, but showing that much leg probably won’t scare anyone” Taylor pointed out. He mimed her pose, then thrust one hand pointing down, squatting and extending one leg. “Like this is more impressive and threatening! Don’t try to loom, it won’t work for you. Go for a more catlike pose. Still deadly looking, but it focuses on your natural grace and lithe beauty instead.”

“Ha ha, yes! I see you’re a connoisseur of poses! Perhaps not as well trained as one of the Crimson Demon Clan, but you have solid fundamentals!” Megumin cackled.

They all sat down and had a wonderful dinner, lounging on the grass and chatting and laughing together. The food was cold, but good, and the company was actually very pleasant. Dust sat with Darkness, having gotten a fair sized pole of ash wood, and was whittling it of all things. Kazuma couldn’t fathom into what, as it mostly looked like he was just making a stake or crude spear instead of something fancy, but Darkness seemed to be interested in what he was doing. She was even opening up a bit more than Kazuma had expected, with Dust talking about spending time in his childhood riding on what sounded like family estates, and Darkness talking with fondness on her own riding experiences.

Kazuma thought they were talking about ponies, until Darkness fondly talked about the time her “precious Daisy” had been put in full battle kit, and she’d gone out with her father and hunted White Fangs with lances on her birthday. Daisy, it seemed, was a giant coldblood, who had been raised for war.

“I didn’t manage to ever strike any with my lance you see, I was never very good at aiming, but it was such fun to see Daisy trample those beasts underfoot. I did manage to kill one myself. It bit my arm, you see, and gave me quite a fright! It even broke the skin! Then I punched it between the eyes, and the thing fell to the ground dead! My father had the pelt made into a muffler.”

“I remember my first white fang hunt! I went out with Faitifore and was 14 though, how old were you?” Dust asked.

“Only twelve,” Darkness admitted. “You’ve mentioned Faitifore before though, was she a childhood friend of yours?”

Dust looked down, fiddling with his spear. “She was…like a little sister to me. Or a daughter. When I was stripped of my rank…they took her from me. She wept piteously and begged me not to go, but she was so young, she didn’t understand, and I couldn’t tell her… they’d have killed her if she rebelled, she’s too dangerous for them to let her run free. I left her behind, but I still think of her weeping sometimes…”

“How horrid!” Darkness gasped, her hands flying to her face. “Surely when she’s older, they’ll let her see you again… I know Uncle Melark can be stern, but he isn’t unkind.”

“I’m…not from Belzerg,” Dust admitted. “I’m from Brydle…”

Hands flying to her mouth, Darkness gasped in shock. “Oh! The Faitifore, she’s not-”

“Attention! The time is now at hand!” Taylor said, clapping his hands and drawing everyone’s eyes over to Megumin, who was grinning and posing with her staff.


Kazuma tuned Megumin out, having heard all this before. Instead, he focused on Rin, who was leaning against him with her head on his shoulder, smiling at Megumin’s theatrics. It felt…nice. She had even wrapped her tail around behind him, and Kazuma absently reached down for it. The tail flopped back and forth out of his reach, but he did finally manage to pin it down, with Rin shuddering beside him.

“Not so hard,” she moaned softly, letting out a heavy sigh. “Gently…”

“It’s so soft,” he whispered back, stroking the tail.

“Mmmm. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood, buster. Ah, if you keep that up, I-”


A giant hand slammed down, tossing Kazuma, Rin, the blankets, and the Earth for what must have been a mile up, then a shockwave hit them, and Kazuma wrapped his arms around the now screaming Rin. They went sprawling, with her clinging to him tightly they ended up tangled in the blanket they’d been sitting on, with her on top, her tail now sticking out straight with hair bristling.

Both of them were panting and half panicked, even as Taylor laughed and gently set the now limp Megumin down.

“I…I see she’s put more points into that spell,” Rin gasped, her nails digging painfully into Kazuma’s ribs and arm.

“Yeah, she’s been leveling up faster now that she knows Intermediate magic, and she puts all of her spells into that stupid spell,” Kazuma grumbled. He winced and tried to sit up, only for Rin to pull the blanket over them and cling to him even more tightly. He was a bit puzzled, until he realized she was crying, her tears soaking his shirt as she clung to him.

“Hey, what’s wrong!? Did that chuuni menace hurt you!? I’ll call Aqua!”

“N-no,” Rin hiccuped, looking up at Kazuma with red eyes. “It’s just…seriously? She’s that powerful? How could you even look at a mediocre mage like me with someone like her around? It’s not fair! Darkness and Aqua have figures I’d kill for, and are advanced classes to boot, but Megumin’s a Crimson Demon and is way better than I will ever-”

“Hey,” Kazuma said, putting a finger to Rin’s lips. “Your boobs are bigger than hers. Are you’ve got more sense in your tail than the rest of my party have in their entire bodies. Plus, you have a tail! How sexy is that?”

Sniffing, Rin nodded, and Kazuma used a bit of the blanket to wipe at her face. “Ok, that was pretty smooth. I will grant you tail stroking privileges.”

“Really?” Kazuma said, running his hand down Rin’s tail, which was wrapped half around him.

She gasped and shuddered almost instantly. “N-not now! In private! That is the single best way to get my fire kindled you idiot!”

“Oh, uh…that’s a euphemism, right?”

Rin rolled her eyes. “It gets my waterwheel spinning, my forge stoked, opens my sluice gate, and warms my hearth. Yes, you dolt!”

“Er, good to know?” Kazuma hugged Rin a little closer, and on impulse, pressed his lips to hers. To his delight, she pulled his head closer to hers and kissed him hungrily, molding herself to him. After a few moments though, she broke it off, her tail stiffening again.

“What, did I do something wrong?” he asked.

“Uh, Kazuma, that isn’t me growling,” she whispered softly, her eyes very wide. “I think…”

They hastily unwrapped themselves from the blankets, to find Aqua cowering behind Keith, who had only his belt knife, while Taylor, who had brought his sword, was standing protectively over the snoring form of Megumin. Beyond them, Darkness and Dust were standing together, their stances wide, Dust wielding a spear, Darkness with nothing but her sundress on, her shoes kicked off, and hat tossed aside.

And past them was a huge black tiger, its even blacker stripes barely visible in the fading twilight. Beside it, two smaller cats, these only the sign of normal tigers instead of a hippo, snarled and paced, baring fangs as big as Kazuma’s dagger.

“Darkness! That’s a Beginner’s Bane!” Kazuma shouted, desperately scrambling upright. “Rin, grab Megumin’s staff! We have to-”

“I know!” Darkness said, her tone low and throaty. She turned to Dust and grinned. “Shall we?”

“After you,” Dust said, with a bow like he was at a ball instead of the battlefield.

Of course, to Belzergian nobility, Kazuma would later learn there really wasn’t much of a difference.

Darkness plowed right in, a gleeful grin on her face. The big tiger pounced at her, claws spread wide, its enormous jaws opening as if to engulf her. Darkness met the attack with a bare hand block, practically shoving her arm down the Beginner’s Bane’s throat. By all rights, it should have snapped her arm off at the shoulder and mauled her to death.

Instead, Darkness twisted with a joyful shout, flipping the tiger over. Her other hand came up and delivered a bone shattering blow to the great cat’s chest, knocking the wind out of it. Darkness then withdrew her arm, slick with saliva, and proceeded to wrap her arms around the now stunned predator's neck. With a shout, she managed a perfect over the shoulder throw, then supplexed the creature into the ground so hard that it coughed blood.

Dust had not been idle meanwhile. The two cubs had gone for him, one circling in from either side. He whipped his crude spear about, and struck like a serpent, blinding the cat to his right with one blow, then spinning and thrusting his sharpened stake into the other’s throat as it leapt at him. He flipped the bleeding and dying cat over, then kicked the other as it struck at him, knocking it over. He withdrew his spear, then pounced, skewering the other cub through the heart.

Darkness grunted and gave a mighty yank, and there was an audible snap. The mother Bane twitched one final time, then lay still. She stood up, her dress tattered and torn, blood spattering it, though none of it seemed to be hers. She was grinning hugely, her eyes wide with delight, her entire body heaving.

“Eh, not a bad warm up,” Dust commented. He nodded at Darkness’ kill. “Not bad! You didn’t even mess up the pelt! I tried not to ruin mine, but-”

“Dust,” Darkness growled, stomping over to him. “Shut up. That creature did not batter me nearly enough.”

“Oh really? You saying you want to spar?” Dust twirled his spear expertly and gave her a lecherous leer. “I tell you what, we spar, and I’ll remove that ripped up dress for you, though you’d have to walk back home in your bathing suit.”

“I ACCEPT!” Darkness snarled, and lunged at Dust.

“I, uh, wow,” Kazuma managed as the two of them battled. “That’s, uh…”

“Right,” Taylor stammered, picking up Megumin and hastily turning around. “We should, er, give them some privacy… Why don’t we adjourn to that meadow over there? It’s uh, a bit late to head back, but Megumin seems to need some rest, so…”

“We’ve got blankets,” Rin yawned, standing up with Kazuma, and draping one over both their shoulders. “Split up and find somewhere comfortable to sleep. It’s a warm summer evening, and it’ll be dry enough. Not the first time we’ve roughed it.”

“We call the bubbly!” Aqua said eagerly, grabbing the left over half empty bottle. “Come on, Keith! I’ll teach you some of the Axis Cult hymns, and we can think up a way you can find a girl to soothe your shattered heart.”

“But, wait, I thought I was going to date you!” Keith said plaintively.

“Don’t be silly! Goddesses don’t date mortals. Now, I know this really cute priestess named Cecily who’s single…”

Ignoring that, Kazuma grabbed a basket that had half a loaf of bread and some strawberries left, and he and Rin hurried over to a stand of pines a few hundred yards away, out of earshot of Darkness and Dust’s increasingly passionate “sparring session,” which was involving less clothing by the second.

Settling down on a dry bit of grass, Kazuma and Rin leaned up against a tree, snuggling up against one another as the sun set. Rin slowly lifted her tail, placing it on Kazuma’s lap. She looked at him suggestively, then flipped her tail off his lap.

“Oh no you don’t,” Kazuma said, and reached for the tail. Rin laughed and tried to push him away, and Kazuma immediately stopped, uncertain what signal Rin was sending.

“What, you give up so easily? Where’s that Kazutrash I was so interested in?” Rin teased, flicking her tail up at Kazuma’s nose.

“Hey! I just, you know…you said not on the first date,” Kazuma grumbled, grabbing at the tail, only for Rin to swish it away.

“Yes, but I also said I didn’t want a nice guy,” Rin said innocently. “I wanted Scumzuma. So are you a pervert, or are you just a…what’s Aqua always calling you? Oh yes, a NEET.”

Snarling, Kazuma wrestled Rin down, which made her laugh and slap at him, though not that hard. He did manage to grab her tail, holding her down, and deliberately licked it.

“Ack, pfff!” Kazuma coughed, and spat out some hair as Rin laughed at him.

“Ha ha, what did you do that for!? I’m not a cat, I don’t clean myself by licking, and you certainly don’t!” Rin laughed, putting a hand over her eyes as she snorted in a very un-ladylike fashion.

“It sounded sexy in my head,” Kazuma grumbled. Then, very gently, he began to stroke the tail.

Rin giggled for a little bit longer, then stopped, biting her lip. After a few seconds, she arched her back, moaning softly. “Oh…oh right there…yessss….”

As he stroked, Kazuma leaned down and kissed Rin, which she very enthusiastically returned. On a hunch, he laid the tail out beside Rin, tenderly caressing it with one hand, then reaching the other up inside Rin’s shirt.

“K-Kazuma…” she gasped as he cupped her breasts.

“What? You want me to stop?”

“Y-yes,” Rin stammered, shuddering slightly. “If you keep this up…”

“Hmm. Hard to unhook a bra from here,” Kazuma said, then withdrew his hand. Rin relaxed slightly, though she did look at him with a bit of a pout.

“Steal! Steal!”

“Oh!” Rin cried, even as her bra and panties fell into Kazuma’s hand. He tossed them to the side, then pressed her lips to hers again, reaching up once more to pinch her nipple.

“N-no fair,” Rin groaned, then reached down and undid Kazuma’s belt, tossing it away. “Get my shirt off, you asshole.”

Eagerly, Kazuma helped her wriggle out of her top, and she pulled his shirt off as well.

“This is still our first date,” Kazuma pointed out.

“I’m counting last night. Second date. So I won’t be a slut,” Rin told him as she slid down. She smiled at him, grabbing his erection with one hand. “Or maybe I will be…”

Then she took Kazuma’s dick in her mouth, and it was his turn to gasp and shudder with delight. To his disappointment, she stopped after a moment, shoving him up.

“Too awkward. Get on your feet,” she ordered, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “Hurry up!”

Hastily, Kazuma got on his feet, and Rin knelt in front of him. She grinned up at him, then put one hand on his rear, the other guiding him into her mouth again. He moaned, and grabbed at her ponytail as she began to suck.

“Mmm, yes, pull it, mmm, a bit harder…no, not too hard…there,” Rin sighed, and then went back to work.

“R-rin, I, ah!” Kazuma gasped. “I think I’m going to-”

Rin didn’t back off, instead going even faster, her tongue running up and down as she worked. It was over all too soon, with Kazuma groaning and clutching at her head as she sucked as hard as she could.

“T-that was…that was…” Kazuma gasped, his whole body trembling as Rin dropped his deflating penis and he sank to his knees.

“Pretty good, huh? Not the first dick I’ve sucked, but definitely the fastest,” Rin giggled, then took out her canteen and rinsed her mouth out, spitting into the bushes. “Alright, lay down.”

Kazuma did so, and Rin sat on his chest, smiling down at him. “Now Kazuma, turnabout is fair play. This is your first time, so, I’m going to explain to you how to properly enjoy your dessert, OK?”

He nodded hastily, and Rin scooted forward, until she was right over him.

“Now, you’re going to use your tongue, no teeth! It’s like kissing, or licking an icecream- ah! Mmm. Not bad, keep trying…”

It took quite a bit of coaching from Rin, but she was happy to provide it, and Kazuma was delighted to be of service. He’d thought that eating a girl out would be rather gross, but as it turned out, he rather enjoyed it. After a few minutes, Rin shuddered and moaned, then slid onto the grass beside him.

“Pervert,” Kazuma teased her, and went in for a kiss.

She stopped him and made a face. “Ugh, go wash your mouth out first! Has no one taught you to do that? Never mind, no, swig some alcohol too while you’re at it. And then pass the bottle over here.”

Kazuma did as instructed, then passed the bottle to Rin, who took a swallow herself. “Mmm, tasty.”

They snuggled up together, and Kazuma felt himself stirring again. He began to stroke Rin’s tail, and she sighed. “Again, already? Sheesh, you’re insatiable…”

“Oh, uh, sorry…”

“Wow, you seriously need to lean into your horniness more, Kazuma! Are you kidding? I haven’t been screwed in almost a year! Ride me like the dirty trashy panda I am!” Rin ordered, poking Kazuma again.

“Yes ma’am!” Kazuma agreed eagerly, and slid atop Rin.

She took him in her hands, sighing in satisfaction as he slid into her. “Right, now, gently…you already got me going once, so just, mmm, take it easy…like that…yesss…”

“You’re so damn hot,” Kazuma gasped, leaning down to kiss her again, and Rin bucked her hips, making him grunt as their lips met.

Even going more slowly, it didn’t last as long as Kazuma might have wanted, though he did manage to finish off Rin before he deflated again, with her sighing happily in satisfaction.

“Now go pee,” Rin ordered, standing up to go behind a bush. “And seriously, you are so naive.”

“Huh?” Kazuma said, frowning as he went to water the tree.

Laughter came behind him. “You’re a rich dude! You just rawdogged me! If I was trying to babytrap you, this would totally be the way to do it.”

“Oh! I uh…I guess we didn’t use protection,” Kazuma admitted, thinking of the condoms he’d made that had largely turned into balloons.

“It’s fine, I know an Axis Priest who doesn’t ask too many questions. They’re good for that at least,” Rin told him, spreading out the blanket and stretching out on it with a contented sigh. She patted the ground beside her. “Now come on, it’s getting cold, and I don’t feel like putting my clothes back on.”

Kazuma hastened back over, and they wrapped the blanket around themselves. Kazuma found himself grinning stupidly at Rin in the Dark, and she was smiling back at him.

“Today was a good day,” Kazuma said with a sigh. “No one can call me a virgin NEET anymore.”

“Oh, is that all I am, a notch on your belt?” Rin asked, and leaned in to bite his neck.

“Ow! No, I just, uh…”

“Relax, I know how important it is for guys to get that V-card punched. Though it was interesting, being the experienced one this time.”

“Oh, er, who was your-”

“Don’t think about him,” Rin ordered, turning around and snuggling up to Kazuma. “Just think about me. And the adorable little kids we’re going to have…”


“Ha! Relax. I’m only 18. I figure I should have at least another six or seven years of adventuring before I let you knock me up. I’ll get on the potion. Hmm, has anyone talked to Megumin about that? I’d ask about Darkness, but noble girls are taught about that stuff early.”

“I…wouldn’t bet on that with her. Megumin probably knows more than she does,” Kazuma admitted. “Do you think her and Taylor are…?”

“Nah, not tonight, Taylor has some ironclad morals about that. He won’t sleep with her until they’re betrothed, he’s a very faithful Erisite from a traditional sect. But if they get married six months from now and she has a baby in a year…that’s also pretty traditional.”

Kazuma nodded, stroking Rin’s hair with one hand and resting on the elbow of his other arm. “So, uh, you think you and me…?”

“Too early to tell. But you’re rich, just enough of a jerk to be interesting without being a write off, and you’re actually pretty smart. Also, for a first timer, that wasn’t half bad dick, so I’m sticking around.”

Kazuma swelled with pride at that last part. “You, uh, you were pretty great too…”

“I know I am. Now shhh. We have to wake up early enough to get in a quickie before it’s time to head home,” Rin ordered, and Kazuma fell silent. Soon enough, he was snoring softly, with Rin’s tail wrapped around him as they slept under the stars.


Joshua Hunt

Heck, that was actually kinda cute and happy. Right up until Aqua started talking about Cecily, oh boy Keith is about to have a bad time.