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Okay, this is the last lingerie one that I did kind of inspired for Valentine's Day. I felt like the choice of brushes and outfit worked well to set it in the Camboy!AU so I decided to do a modern background and mood light. He woke up like this, you know. Imagine Geralt getting an early morning notification and having to opt for a cold shower before work XD
I feel like the color and through the shutter light looks a bit 80's for some reason? No idea why though. 

I'm on the finishing line for the big comission thing I am working on, and you have no idea how happy that makes me XD I'll have to take a short break to work on a Geraskier piece for postcards tomorrow though. I'll probably work on it on stream tomorrow, if I can motivate myself to go live. I feel like all I do is mumble my dissent about my own art choices while trying to draw a straight line, hahaha XD No idea how entertaining that is. 

Okay, last bit, I wanted to say thanks already for all the people that participated in the last poll. It's till open for a while longer, so if you have not please do so, it helps me out a lot. And it was so nice to read all the kind words, you're all so cute Q_Q

Okay, now I am back to work, so I can get back to other stuff again soon! I have plans for March and I need to be finished with this before I do any of them!!

Take care and stay safe




Oh, that's gorgeous

Octinary Numbers

Now I'm imagining after Jaskier and Geralt getting together, Jaskier setting his alarm to wake up artfully tousled for Geralt... and then completely sleeping through it. XD I love the pink on him!