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So first things first, the outlines on this one are slightly off for how I draw them now bcs they are from 2022. This was actually the second smutty pic I ever started of them. But I drew it on my iPad and it collected dust and then I struggled with getting warm with it again, because there were some aspects I disliked. Some of the perspective is off and yeah, some details are just different now. But when I look over that I still like this one. It was enjoyable to color. I tried something slightly different, no gradient layers on this and a bit less rendering than usual. Also no colored outlines? I don't know if that is something that I'll do more often XD Coloring them for skin usually makes things look a bit softer? But I am rambling on about details like that, I don't even know if ppl notice that stuff. It's just so ingrained in my progress that it feels weird when I leave it out. 

I'll say that I wanted this to have a bit of a more... not romantic edge. But not like usual. So no banter this time. They probably snuck away into the gardens during some festivities bcs they were both fed up with having to act around everybody else. 

I hope you're doing well and that you made it safely into February! I will be honest, after last months request thread I am kinda excited for Tuesday XD It was fun to put a different spin on different prompts. I'm also working on having a bit of a buffer bcs I will need to work on some more contract stuff next week which probably means full workdays with nothing but rendering. I am excited for when I can show you what I am working on though! I think it's neat. 

Okay, enough rambles, HAVE A NICE WEEKEND!

Take care and stay safe




Yeah, I think it's the black outlines and flat coloring that make it look more classic comic style? I'm still experimenting XD Thanks!


Gah, I love how bendy Willow is in this.