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Okay so I have a Geraskier and a CoD smut piece on my table right now. I wanted to post the CoD one today but then my internet went out and I went on a wild ride to figure out why it was gone? And I am telling you, it was SUCH a wild ride and I learned a lot about how the internet in this house is practically glued together with gum and good will and that the whole blocks internet is dependant on the electricity of my houses elevator XD It's weird, I'm telling you. But also bcs of that it took longer than I thought, so the smut is not finished. Although I feel like this kiss is not entirely sfw XD I am a little possessed by the idea of Soap trying to kiss Ghost through the mask. For some reason it's so filthy, I love it. 

I will have smut for you tomorrow and I think I'll post the Geraskier WIP today bcs it looks like it will turn into a bigger piece with background and stuff. An Opossum classic, me trying to do a sketch and then adding a background XD
I have been thinking about doing a big smut piece for CoD as well but modern backgrounds kind of don't work as well for me? Bcs I don't get as inspired by them. Do you have an idea for smut with background in a modern, CoD related setting? Just have them fuck out in the field or something XD

Okay, I hope your weekend is going well. I am kinda relieved to have internet back bcs now I can actually look up refs again XD
Take care and stay safe




I think most of us agree that Soap being impatient to smooch his LT is hot! Love this!


Imagining they couldn’t make it back to the privacy of the heli and just had to make out amongst the carnage :) I’d like to see some good ole canoodling in the mess hall while the rest of the guys are just trying to eat their dinner in peace *insert “really?! right in front of my salad?” Meme*🤭


I did something similar with geraskier once, where they f*cked after a fight and there were still leftovers of the beast, blood and all. Maybe that would be good for these two as well. Also I love the meme idea XD It would be Prices salad as well XD