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Hello hello!

This post will be long but please, if you get physical merch or were looking into upgrading your tier to get physical merch, I implore you to read it. I will try to keep it organized enough so you can skip parts but yeah, the information is important and will make it easier for me as well to send stuff out to you.

Most importantly, please check if you have the right address saved in your account. I can't check every adress, and I don't know if people moved. I try to keep a note if mail came back but again, it doesn't always make its way back and my probably Adhd brain does not handle remembering things that well.

About the pics I posted:

The first five pics are of the merch that is on offer this month. three postcards (Witcher, CoD and OC) and one sticker. I added the fourth so you can see the sticker side by side with the Willow sticker from June. And the fifth pic is kind of an extra, because I posted the pic of the meme itself but never posted the sticker. It's really neat and I think I can offer it as a replacement, if people are not happy with the other Douglas sticker. But more about that in this next section!

About the Break-up of the tiers:

So first, I hope the breakdown of things on the sheet itself makes sense. I had to break it up somehow and I know the Witcher is the most popular here. And, even though the knights are on place two I wanted to have the highest tier kind of as a bundle, so the knight card together with the sticker. That being said, and this is important:
If you want to exchange the any card for a different card let me know!!
I have no qualms with giving you another card, exchange a CoD card for a knight card. Or if you want a second or third Witcher card from an old merch drop, again, let me know. I will happily message back and forth a bit, send you pics of what stock I have and we can figure something out that will make you happy. That also counts for old knight cards, old stickers, etc. If you want all CoD and are in a higher tier I can get you a photo print of one of my nsfw drawings as well. Just in a postcard size but yeah. I want you to know that I want you to be happy with the merch you get so help me out by making this happen for the both of us.

The tiers are as follows, if you can't or don't want to read the sheet I made:

Forget-me-not (5€): You get one card, the base card is Witcher but you can exchange the card for something else you fancy!

Violet (10€): You get two cards, the standard cards would be Witcher and CoD but I can exchange either one or both.

Lilac (15€): You get three cards and a sticker. If you don't fancy one of the items, I can exchange stuff. If you are only here for one of the three ships I am happy to offer merch of that fancom (or my OCs) in exchange. I still have some old stickers (like the Willow stickers) and I just found some more of the Feral Bard patches from years ago. So also happy to send you one of those instead. I also have non fandom merch. I can also get some smut of the knights printed in small if you just want knights merch. So again, please hit me up.

Okay so I think I made it clear that you can exchange cards XD Like always, feel free to message me here or on discord, we can figure something out.

The cards will go out as soon as possible, I will spend the first few days of December to write the adresses and note down changes.

About Kinktober:

I will also send out invoices for Kinktober on Friday so I can pack the cards together with the kinktober stuff.

There is still one person I could not figure out, that had a reservation for the Public S*x prompt. I could not find the comment or any messages in my files and it is driving me crazy that I had noted down that somebody wanted it but now I can't find it. If you don't get back to me in the next few days I will send your piece to the next in line, I'm sorry. I have searched far and wide and just could not find you.

Okay, I think this is pretty much it. What I also wanted to mention is that I think I have enough merch to do this. But if you were subbed to a tier with merch in November, but had to lower your sub bcs winters are harsh and bills and just christmas, let me know, and we can figure out if I have merch leftover to send you a card.

About Messaging:

Last but not least, this is how to reach me best. Because Patreon messages do not work all of the time apparently, and sometimes paypal throws you out of your account and then you don't have access. I wanted to give you alternative ways to reach me if you have questions. 

E-mail: A classic, my email is contact@sarahlumenheine.com. You can also comment if you sent me an email and fear it might land in spam (which so many important mails do but I get so much normal spam all the time Q_Q)
Discord: My Discord handle is churchofpossum, like on most other sites. I am most active on Discord, chatwise. There is also a specific discord server you can join if you're a patron, let me know if you want an invite for it. It's mostly casual and I do polls and wips there.
Social Media: My Twitter DMs are closed bcs of harassment, but Tumblr is open and if you follow me there (handle is churchofpossum like everywhere) you can message me. 

I don't think there are any other ways to reach me, but I think this is a good  selection. If you unsubbed you will not be able to chat with me on Patreon itself anymore so please keep that in mind. 

So yeah, I am sorry this post is SO LONG. I hope you still read it bcs it's kinda important.

I hope you have a nice day, please take care of yourself. And also I hope you feel like you can always reach out to me if you have questions!




Ohhhh. I can't wit for the cards. They look soo pretty. And the quality of your cards is always so good. 😍


absolutely went right to lilac for these cards. they’re just so beautiful