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Day nine down! This one was a bit of a reprieve bcs it was not as complicated as the others. Also, I am slowly running out of the few where I had sketches prepared so we will see how I will go on XD Tomorrow is Petplay and I have two sketches for military men prepared, you can see them on discord if you're there. I'm not 100% which one I want yet so I guess I'll see tonight when I sit down to draw it XD I think every Kinktober I have the problem that, at first I struggle to think of something for some prompts. But then my brain gets going and I have too many ideas? Like I have two ideas for the Knotting prompt, one for my boys in an omegaverse setting and one for Geraskier. Silly brain. 

I hope you are doing well and that your Monday will not be too stressful. I gotta go to ikea today, again XD Soon I will have it all, promised XD

Take care and stay safe




Geralt got that SDE (small dick energy) (affectionate)


The way you draw blushing gives me life