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First, sorry that this is not scheduled at my typical time. My brain is just telling me to post stuff as soon as I have it bcs I packed up most of my stuff now and when I sit at my PC I am anxious bcs there is so much to do. So I'll probably just post stuff as soon as I have it, not worrying about timezones for a bit. But bcs of this I also decided to do some traditional sketching instead of digital. I packed up my watercolors but I had some new water soluble pencils around that worked out so much better than I though? I might need to get some more of those in the future, they are really nice for sketchy stuff.

But yes, some soft(ish) Geraskel, bcs ppl asked for it in the last post. And some buttercups from this summer. I will keep it like last time, if you have a couple you want to see me draw you can just comment.

Also, about comments. I really really appreciate the kindness you always show me. I am so sorry I am not that good at replying right now. I am hoping this will change again once I am settled and my brain can focus. I do read each of them though, and they are all super sweet, thank you <3

I hope your week starts off okay and that Monday treats you well.
Take care and stay safe.

Edit: I forgot to limit this post to higher tiers so, dandelions, enjoy this one? XD I won't restrict it now bcs the mail already went out, it would feel weird, like taking back a promise. 




Oh this is gorgeous! Soft and sexy ❤️


I always love the highlights of color you include. Not just the blush on their cocks, but also the blush on their cheeks, it always adds a nice touch to your art <3