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So I am adding a spoiler for Geralts armor bcs I don't know if ppl have seen the trailers yet. I know there were pics around but yeah, I don't want to ruin things for anybody. I wanted to have this done by today but then life just happened so, yeah, here's a WIP mixed in with the request thread. Because I can. There will be variants that are less sfw, again, because I can XD

I have a very short very sketchy comic for the pride camboy thing that is cute but also not done yet. I hope to post it soon though, just if you were wondering bcs I was talking about this. 

Also, yes, this is SUPER late, but I will keep it running through the next month again. I wanted to make this post every day for the last week but I just.. forgot. My brain does not mix well with the heat. I will set phone reminders for next month so this won't happen again. But with the mail going out (I sent it btw I hope it arrives at your places soon) and being scared if the stickers come and season 3 of the witcher arriving this week was... A LOT. 

But yes, here it goes again.

How the request thing works:

You comment with an idea you have, a sfw or nsfw request for a character or ship in a situation or scene. Fandom ships or pairings, my OCs and monsters and all that is allowed, just not other ppls OCs bcs that is just too much work. The requests don't work as commissions. So I might veer from the original idea a bit, change things up or whatever comes into my mind. The requests are picked randomly out of a hat so it is usually a challenge for me. If your request did not get pulled last time you can just resubmit the one from last month as well, if you don't feel inspired or are just very into an idea you had!
If you don't have an idea of your own you can enter a recommendation by just commenting on somebody elses request. With words or emojis or whatever. Just so I can enter your name in the pool!

Additional details:

If you are in the Dandelion(2€) and Buttercup(4€) tier you can leave either one request or one recommendation.
If you are in the Forget-me-not (5€) and Violet (10€) tier you get one additional request or recommendation. Which gives you two, so nothing really changes for you either.
If you are in the last tier, the Lilac tier, you get an additional request or recommendation. So you can enter three comments, either your own ideas or recommendations of other ppls ideas.

Thanks a lot for all your amazing prompts, I am hoping to do them justice this month!

And thank you so much for supporting me this month! If you had to delete your sub, I hope you'll do well and please take care! And everybody else I'll see again next month! You please also take care. I am rambling XD



Maya Stormborn

Love this art already and it’s not even done yet!


Ghost getting his ass ate like he deserves (maybe it's after Soap already made a mess of him?) 🍑