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But oh, my heart was flawed
I knew my weakness
So hold my hand
Consign me not to darkness
(Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons)

I had this song from Willows playlist running a lot while I painted this. As always, I kind of overdid it? I will never learn to paint metal in a stylized way I fear. Bcs I want it to be shiny? And all my ref pics of actual armor are so super reflective and have so many colors in them! I should do some studies and try some different styles to make it easier. But i like how it turned out at least! I'll probably get the version without the helmets printed. Just did a helmeted one bcs I spent ages on painting the metal and I really want to show the painting off but I am not showing my boys faces on Social Media yet. 

And oh yeah, the bloody variant is just for drama bcs I wanted to try it. And then I had the layer and liked it and thought, might as well share it. The flowers are supposed to be orange lilies. After reading up a bit lilies apparently symbolize a passionate love as well as passionate hatred so it's perfect for them. 

I hope you had a lovely weekend (or have a lovely rest of your sunday, depending on where you are). Take care and stay safe




oooh those eyes! the lighting! the armor!! great stuff as always <3


This piece is beautiful. There’s so much love and pain between them, so much yearning. I love them so much! And the details and colors are so pretty!


Thank you so much! That really means a lot <3 Hearing these things about pics with my boys makes my heart grow two sizes <3