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There was nothing but the rustling of leaves, swaying trees, the sun breaking through the canopy overhead, blinding and warm and all consuming. Voices, distant, celebrating? Birds singing. Were they? His mind was unfocused, voice cracking.

There was nothing but the hushed obscenities mumbled into the air, the indecent noise of a tongue spearing him open. It has been minutes, it has been days. His blood was singing, every syllable an echo of his own desire, burning from the inside. He was close, had been for so long, his body wanted to sink into the unyielding softness of the earth underneath. And then something changed, a touch, a word, a thought. Light ran through him, touched by the gods in a mocking replica of creation.

There was nothing but fire in his veins, the blinding sun replaced by the pure white of the stars exploding behind his eyelids. The forest was holding its breath, silence all encompassing.

I honestly don't know why I'm adding this, bcs I am not confident in my writing usually. But I have been spending time trying to write down some things for the boys and I have been playing around with scenes and wording a little. Just for my own enjoyment, you know. 

This was for Willows birthday which was the 21st. I did make a few variants, without helmet, with blush, with text. The original one was helmet without text, I do enjoy giving them some dirty talk though XD
Just Willow having a religious experience while being pampered. Also, this has been a bit of a test for comic work. I like the style, not sure if I am fully there yet but you will see XD

I hope you're doing well, it's already thursday again! I might try to stream again tomorrow, I am having a good run even though I never know what to work on when I start the stream XD
Take care and stay safe




Gorgeous! And I love what you wrote! It's perfect!


Ohhh this is so perfect!! ♥♥♥