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This was inspired by the christmas pin-ups! The idea also came to me while drawing the three so Lambert was not in the picture back then? I know I should've added him but three people is already so many to draw together and my time is limited over the holidays, don't be mad, I just wanted to doodle something fun XD So poor Lambert has to suffer under the other threes horniness. Yes he took his skull with him to bed, can't leave old Mari alone outside. He'll also steal every single bell the next day while everybody else is still sleeping XD

I hope your holidays were not as stressful. I have to say I don't celebrate with my own family but I still  have to make calls and meet other people and it gets incredibly stressful that way already? I don't know how other people handle it when they have to travel or meet with family (or meet with family they don't like!) but you're all amazing, kudos. I hope you do get some time to relax now in that week of Limbo that is the last week of the year. 

Oh and I'm mostly over my cold, which is a thing to be celebrated.
Please take care and stay safe!

(P.S.: I first wanted to draw this as well but I just could not make it work: Imagine Lambert putting the horse skull into Jaskiers bed, godfather style, and Jaskier wakes up in the morning and just screams, Lambert still in his own bed, chuckling like a madman XD)






Saw this one before the first Lambert with dressed up horse thing and was very confused 😂