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I say this every damn time but I should draw more game!Geralt. He is a delight. I'm always intimidated by the beard for some reason, but when I actually draw it it's okay? So I don't know, just.. more of him. Maybe more of Geralt and Geralt together at some point again. Can't have too much Geralt XD

I'll put an extra prompt from yesterday up as well, not witcher themed and a bit bloody so I wanted it to be its own post so you can avoid it if blood is a problem. 

I hope you're doing well, please take care and stay safe

(Ps: just wanted to add that i had this post in progress open for an hour and forgot to hit send. Thanks brain XD)




Look at them, treating the bard so good. And game Geralt's undercut. 💙


delicious! 😍