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I wanted to post this one yesterday but I have that new habit of trying to get over Covid by going for a daily walk and sometimes that just turns into a longer adventure and it throws my schedule off a bit. I really need the extra movement but I need to change around my working/posting schedule or something, it has been throwing me off more than I'd like. 

In other news, I love this little spread, I don't know what it is but I have been feral over these two for a bit now. Doing Kinktober prep and working on the comic is probably why. I'm also trying to not obsess over sketches too much. Working with that pencil brush helps a bit, although this sketch took longer than I wanted because  I liked the sketch so much XD I wanted to do the pose and all justice. 

I hope you're doing well. I ordered the first supplies for Kinktober, I will need to get new paper though which is always such a pain.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe please




They can make you go from feral to soft to feralsoft and back again in no time, it's wonderful. I love the pose, it's like some sort of gordian knot except with limbs. 💖

Ana Shirley

so much emotion I love it.