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Like every summer I have modern AU thoughts. He looks like one of the romance options from one of those farming games and I am all for that. The initial idea was flower shop AU though, bcs that always comes around in summer. 

Just a quick doodle in between cleaning. I really really like the pencil brush I'm using for this (and a lot of the other sketches I did recenty). It makes drawing quick and easy and enjoyable. Makes sketching a blast XD Funnily enough since the ipad behaves like my sketchbook (limited possibilities, drawing directly on the screen etc) I don't tend to overwork it like I do on my PC. Which is very nice. 

I hope you're doing well and your start of the week was a good one
take care and stay safe

(Ps. this is the same one in two versions, one is the full resolution though bcs I am struggling with seeing how well the resolution works on Procreate. So I hope it works well. I might actually use him as a phone background myself so always good to have a full res version XD)




I love this so much!!! His freckles his hair!!! His sun hat!!!


He looks so cute <3 I love modern gardener Geralt