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He was looking for horse documentaries, Geralt has no idea how the internet works!

I've actually had this idea for a while, it was one of the first ones noted in my new "ideas" notebook. And yes, I started keeping notes bcs I actually forget ideas and it feels like such a shame.
I really like the idea behind this. I'm a sucker for camboy AUs bcs of the pining that is usually involved. Or the awkward first meeting. Or the roommate/friend that you are secretly in love with trope. So many possibilities!
I made a second version with some piercings and strappy underwear, although I really like the basic version as well. I can imagine doing more for this AU tbh. It would even be comic material but then drawing modern comics is hard bcs all the backgrounds are straight lines XD
What do you say? Would you want to see more of Jaskier with some exotic toys? Do you prefer with or without piercings? And do you have camboy AU fics you can recommend?

I hope you're doing well. I am still furiously trying to write my paper. Procrastination has thrown a big wedge in my time planning so I am sleeping less and trying to be done while still getting work done for you guys here. I'll try to get the request threads up by today and I hope I can finish the Fae drawing but tbh, I have some really pretty ideas and I was thinking of just pushing it to April so I can spend some quality time with the illustration and design in general.

I hope you're taking care of yourself and life is treating you well




Omg I love this 😍😍 Please more...


Absolutely love this! Piercings for sure!