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Just the boys, sharing a good time.


PS: This post comes to you from the past (scheduled it bcs I am on holiday) so the prompt reservation list is not accurate. So if anybody reserves one while I am gone I'll post the updated list next weekend!

Now the uninteresting part about reservations and buying the originals:The hearts in the prompt are the prompts that are already reserved. Which does not mean they are gone, like I said before, these reservations do not mean you have to take it yet since I did not post any of them in finished form yet. I will ask the person that reserved if they want it on the day I post though, and if you see the heart gone on the prompt list the next day it means the reservation dropped. You can also express interest for a prompt that is reserved and I can put you on a waiting list for it.

And here is the deeds to the thing. These are A5 ink originals with watercolor color pops. A piece costs 50 € for patrons plus 10€ shipping. You don't have to be in a specific tier to reserve or buy it. Early reservations for patrons are up until the 31. You can DM me here , on Twitter or discord




They look gorgeous, especially the dip of Eskel's fingers down Jaskier's spine. 💖 And how they sort of frame Jaskier, it's lovely.


I can't stop staring at Eskel's hands 😳 hnnnnnng 💜