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Since June is my birthday month I wanted to make it special for you folks and I ordered some fancy postcards for the highest tier. I finally got them today and, well, only two (out of 100) look like the ones in the first pic, all the others are heavily misprinted. So I am sorry to inform you that the cards will probably take a bit, IF they reprint them. I have never worked with this company before so I don't know how their customer service is, from the site itself it looks like they are slow though, which could lead to waiting times and slow printing so they will only be done in July, at the worst :/

All in all I will note down who was in the 5, 10 and 15€ tiers this month so I will send you the card even if you have to unsub. If you have to delete your pledge please let me know because Patreon has the habit of instantly deleting every information of these accounts so I don't have your address anymore and can't send stuff out anymore.

I am so sorry for the wait, I will see if I can send the ink doodles out before the cards, if it is not too much strain on my postage budget.

I hope you have a great day




The postcard is marvellous! I'm sorry the printing company fucked up. Nonetheless, if the postcard will arrive later, it's fine with me. Your art worths waiting for.

bay • larrysh0me

SO GORGEOUS!!! i’m sorry they hecked up!!! i really hope they reprint for you!!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


I hgope they'll come back to me soon bcs I hate having to wait on stuff like that. It always takes ages with the reprinting and resending and all :/