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So I was hesitant to call this comic at first? But it kind of has dialogue and panels and... it doesn't really matter what I call it anyway.
I scribbled the idea for this down while we were driving back home, just some messy notes. When I sat down to put it together I struggled a lot with how to arrange everything.
I really need to make more comics with more of a plot or something. And backgrounds, all the good stuff I hate to draw XD
The third page is in there double because I played around with the idea of Geralt going black-eyed because Jaskier annoyed him. I know this is not how it actually works but I liked the idea. The fourth page is different from the format because it is more of a bonus panel.

Hope you're having a nice weekend
<3 Sarah




Oh my god I think I blacked out 💦💦💦💦💦


I’m kind of into his eye color changing with intense arousal!


Yes, me too! I think that is not how it actually works, because isn't the eye thing some potion? But fuck canon XD