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(there is a TLDR at the bottom if you don't want to go through my mumbling)

So as always with this topic, this might be a little complicated to write about because I don’t know if P*treon screens posts and links. They do screen social media so I feel like looking at posts like this would not be too unusual. But yeah, I’ll try my best to word this. It doesn’t help that the apartment above me is currently rented out to people who are incredibly heavy footed so I have to layer music and a stream in my headphones so I am not irritated by the vibrating noises of their steps. 

Okay, sorry for ranting XD So you know P*treon cracked down on their ToS more. Or they made clearer what content can get creators banned, they did already crack down from time to time but nobody knew why. So at least they are clearer, but also, some rules make me incredibly uneasy, which is why I have started censoring my work more. If you follow me on Twitter or are in the Discord you have heard me vent and also talk about how this keeps me from creating some works, specifically Terato and harder kinks. With the added new “consent” rules it adds a layer of unease though, because how do you show consent in drawings? An overstimulated face can look like it is in pain, do I have to add hearts to every drawings and only have people smile? And what’s with my knights that don’t have their faces visible? Having Willow tied up is ruled out completely bcs you are not allowed to add the consent in the text describing the picture, it’s scary af. 

It has been incredibly stressful, especially right now where Ptreon is my sole income after the break up last year. I have tried to add comms for some security but yeah… Just as stressful has been the thought of having to add another platform, but right now it’s what I need to do for my mental health and to feel less scared of my own work. So I caved and made a Subscribestr page (Yeah censoring is silly but as I said, no idea what they look for). I made a side page, it’s pretty much mirroring the works I post here, but it has some additions that are not allowed here anymore. Right now the dangers for me are that I have not had enough income yet to have a payout over there, so making people move there without knowing if their payout works for me is a little scary. They have a minimum payout of 150$ right now so at least the barrier is low enough. Oh, also Subscribest*r does not allow Paypal so you need a credit or debit card, which is not ideal for everybody.

So yeah, I think this post is mostly to let you know I made a back-up page. If you enjoy some of the content that Ptreon does not like you can find it there. I also made a channel in the discord to post some of the content, but tbh, keeping track of the people on discord is really complicated and the bot regularly messes up ppls roles so it has been such an additional hassle that stuff lands there later than I post it on Subscribestr. Just because it is exhausting to keep track of Discord and post on both platforms and keep Twitter and Bluesky updated and decide on crops and pieces I can put on Insta and Tumblr... When all I want to do is draw Q_Q Again, sorry for the rant. 

I don’t know if links are okay, but you can find the other place in my carrd. If you have any questions feel free to message me here or on discord (my handle is churchofpossum). There is also an email address in the card. My Twitter DMs are closed but if you comment somewhere with your handle I can message you if you need info or discussion about the switch or the future over here. I don’t want to close the P*treon, bcs it is convenient and it is my income and some ppl do not care for some of the other content. But yeah, we will see where this all leads to. The rules have been getting stricter and stricter. 

Oh, also, in addition I have not done the physical merch for Subscribestr yet. Which is why the higher tiers are not unlocked right now. I made them but they are hidden because I did not want anybody to accidentally subscribe there for a higher tier yet. I will unlock the tiers on the 1st of April (no joke) so ppl can sub to those tiers then. I know that is complicated but it’s a safety feature bcs I don’t want ppl to feel like I robbed them. I also had very kind people that sent me the current US prices for the tiers, bcs Subscribestr is in USD so I converted that. 

But yeah, I hope this works out. I am open to questions and messages. I will add that I have been incredibly tired of all of this. After last year being an absolute shitshow I am just… scared. This came at the worst of times. I really appreciate you sticking around and all the support and kindness you guys showed me. Thank you!

It took me long enough to write this out and it’s 11pm now so I will leave you with that. Have a good weekend, I am hoping to pull myself together and draw something more for you guys before the end of the month.
Take care and stay safe

TLDR: I made a back up page for stuff I can’t upload here anymore, the link to it is in my carrd.

PS: I wrote this in one go, if I made any mistakes or this is not easy to understand let me know please.

Edit: I am adding this as an edit, Subscribest*r does not have an app. But with P*treon app being weird I am kinda not that mad about it. The app store has a lot of decisions if nsfw content is allowed so I know it's uncomfortable to not have an app but it's also the safer option.



Will be making my move once those higher tiers go up!! Hoping everyone follows! I don’t want to lose you :(