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So I think Commissions should work like Requests do right now, meaning they'll be open at all times here V; ; just expect some long wait times I guess x3 as I'll be taking my time.



I seem to be a little out of the loop when it comes to comms and requests. For one, I'm curious what the difference is between the two is. And for two, is there somewhere that shows your current up-to-date rates?


Uh well first off, I listed changes in my previous post saying that I'll be "nerfing" Requests by drawing them in reduced resolutions, and with only 2 Variants max, and with Commissions I'll be doing them in higher resolutions and include more variants V: ; And my price I think won't be changing, one character art will stay at 30$ and then extra 20 per extra character.


Perfectly understandable on the wait time! Take all the time you want to work on them! Don't stress over things!