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Alrighty, I'm still healing up V; I really want to draw something again, but I'm trying to take my time d;

So here's an Idea I had for the little Ghost Project, I thought as she's wandering around the map, she will be encountering your Guardians, but my initial idea was to have her Encounter a random Guardian, and someone would grab that slot, and I'd imagine that people might not be too quick or not be on Patreon 24/7 to snag a slot, so I thought about an Alternative, which is:

-Youse create a little Event of your own here, and I would try to make sure those Events happen at some point d; it'd be SFW or NSFW, Message me your Event and I'll write it down for now.
-If you want Examples/Ideas, they could be:

>Your Guardian accidentally runs her over
>She wants to "Explore" your Guardian male or female ;)
>Your Guardian saves her from Attack
>Your Guardian accidentally knocks her down a Cliff
>Your Guardian allows her to "play" with your Ghost

Or anything you can think of, I'm going to put a spot somewhere on the Map, a Ship that will alow her to "catch a ride" to move onto another Destination :) thought that'd be cool.

Oh and we should stick to the Moon for these Events for now d; and so you can now start messaging me your Event, and maybe a reference of your Guardian ( and ghost if your Event uses them )


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