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Alrighty then, so the thingy I'm waiting for before I go into my planned Hiatus, is not going to arrive until December or later D; lol so I think my big rest is gonna have to wait til next year most likely o: so methinks I might have go with my planned Tier in order to get by for the remainder of the year V; ; there's going to be a bunch of Rewards, special stuff and all, and also expensive, Imma call it "Disciple of the Possessor" (; ; 

But anyways, commissions are done, and I shall try to continue with this full body art stuff d; I think for Commissions I might stay with 1 Variant, and the others will be 1 version instead, unless the commissioner wouldn't mind the extra cost of having me do Variants of course V: but that's up to them.




love the cat ears


listen man, if you need a break take one, last thing you want to do is burn yourself out, shit sucks, but whenever you need one just do it,