YCH Idea ( Also, Commissions Closed ) (Patreon)
10:10pm - UPDATE: All Spots have been filled, I shall begin work on it tomorrow d; taking breaks of course.
UPDATE: I will begin this piece on Nov 14th, so we'll have time before I close the spots and just fill them with random characters :P I'll do this about once or twice month probably, maybe a series of polling will determine the character(s) next time d;
Would anyone be down for this idea? d; basically I sketch the whole thing with a character ( Mara, for example here ) and there's blank models that are gonna be filled in with your characters, and I will include blank male characters in there if this goes well x3
So yeah the prices would go up for the closer and more visible characters, and prices go down on how less visible they are ( Model C, for example here ) thought it'd be pretty cool, to draw bigger artwork but also include everyone's characters along too.
And to "take a spot" we'd have to go for commenting on the post d; just so everyone sees what others want, instead of messaging me to find out if a spot is taken or not, also do lemme know if I should start with this by reserving a spot below x)